Chapter 14

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The following days were uneventful. Alexis was swamped with work again, and Connor spent his evenings alone with Blewog. She was very sweet company but Connor missed his Alpha. He'd gotten pleasantly used to Alexis spending more time at home the previous week, and now he missed it all the more.

So when it was Friday afternoon and Elliot asked him if he wanted to hang that night, Connor was quite happy to say yes.

'How have you been?' Elliot asked, lighting himself a cigarette.

The pub Elliot had chosen this time had a garden as nice as the previous one, which wasn't surprising considering the Omega always went through several cigarettes. He probably judged pubs primarily on their outdoors facilities.

'Nothing exciting,' Connor admitted. 'Alexis's not home often and I love Blewog, but she sleeps all the time so I'm kind of bored.'

'You can always hit me up,' Elliot said with an amused smirk. 'You have my number, don't you?'

'Err... yes,' Connor replied, a little guiltily. It was true Elliot had always made the first overtures. 'I'm sorry, you just seem so busy and I didn't want to pester you. I know it's stupid, it sounds stupid now that I say it out loud. I will next time.'

'Good,' Elliot laughed. 'Don't be shy. Say, do you mind tasting this for me? I feel as though the barman shafted me on the amount of alcohol.'

Connor took a sip of Elliot's cocktail, and couldn't help a grimace. 'Maybe he shafted you on the amount of fruit juice, but certainly not alcohol. It tastes as though it's nothing but.'

'Good,' Elliot replied with satisfaction. 'Then my tip wasn't wasted. Thanks. Sorry I had to ask, but I can't tell, and I didn't really see how he made it.'

'It's no trouble,' Connor smiled. 'I'd drink it slowly though, or that'll be the quick end of our night.'

'We don't want that,' Elliot winked, and indeed, over the following hour, barely touched his drink.

It was seven o'clock when Connor's phone rang, Alexis' name on the screen. 'Sorry, just a moment,' he smiled at Elliot, and the other Omega excused him with a nod.

Connor retreated to a quiet corner, away from the noisy tables, and Elliot watched him go.

Of course Alexis would call his precious little Omega. Elliot would have been surprised if he didn't. Alphas were unapologetically possessive, if not controlling, and wanted to know their Omegas' location at all times. They got pissed when they were left in the dark. None of the Alphas Elliot had ever met had been an exception to that rule.

Connor had been gone for half a minute when the Alphas who'd been watching them finally made their move. Elliot had noticed them since they'd entered the garden, and they hadn't hid the fact they'd been staring at him. Connor of course hadn't noticed, but then he wasn't the one getting holes drilled into his forehead.

God, these Alphas were presumptuous. Elliot had long stopped trying to decide who was worse, his mother's Romanian goons or his father's Pakistani thugs, but either couldn't hold a candle to Russian henchmen. They were the type to put a bullet through someone's head and forget about it by the next day because that was how little they regarded others' lives.

The two Alphas stopped on either sides of him, the one on the left leaning down.

'He wishes to see you. Now.'

Elliot didn't move, not bothering to look up. 'Does he? How nice.'

'He said now,' the Alpha repeated, when Elliot showed no signs of standing up.

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