Chapter 10

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Connor's appointment was fixed on Wednesday morning. He was rather nervous about it, for two reasons: first, Simon had told him he himself might not be available depending on the flow of patients, so someone else might see to him; and secondly, that Connor needed to come at all. Alexis had said Simon would send his test results by mail, but if Connor needed to come himself, didn't that mean something was wrong? Simon hadn't sounded particularly concerned but he was a doctor, he dealt with that everyday.

Needless to say, Connor didn't look forward to it.

'You're making a face,' Elliot told him, when they met in the early hours of the evening. Elliot had chosen the pub and it was a nice place, the outside terrace at the back of the building surrounded by greenery.

'Sorry,' Connor grimaced. 'I just... I have a doctor's appointment Wednesday and I really don't want to go.'

'Damn, you have my sympathy. It's not the dentist, is it?'

'Thank God no,' Connor laughed, and well, at least that was a plus.

'See, it could be worse,' Elliot smiled. 'I hope you like this place, by the way. Your workplace's nice, too, but I thought you might want a change of scenery.'

'I like it,' Connor smiled back. 'Speaking of my workplace, Sofia approves of you, she thinks you have great taste in music.'

'Sofia? You mean the barmaid? Yeah, she was nice. I didn't think anyone other than my shitty cousins knew that band so hey, it was cool meeting her.'

'I didn't know you're Romanian. Not that it's a bad thing,' Connor hastily added, realising how clumsy he sounded.

Elliot shrugged. 'Meh. I'm a Paki-gypsy mutt. Nothing to brag about. I mean, I can read tarot cards or tea leaves for you if you're into that, but otherwise there's really not much to it.'

'Really?' Connor couldn't help asking, even if he knew he most likely sounded stupid.

Elliot chortled. 'So you're into that? Sure, if you want, I'm sure I can find a deck for next time. No guarantees for accuracy, but we can have fun.'

'That's so cool. Who taught you?'

'My grandmother. Didn't know what else to do with me and said Westerners lap this shit up like crazy so I might as well know something useful. No offence, mate.'

'None taken,' Connor giggled.

Elliot then granted Connor the pleasure of reading his palm, openly admitting he was less good at it than cartomancy, but Connor was immensely entertained until Elliot suddenly narrowed his eyes at something behind him.

'I do hope you like squatters,' he said.

'What do you mean?' Connor asked, and had his answer the next second.

An Alpha appeared beside them, grinning down at Connor. 'Hullo love. Your drink's almost finished, do you want me to get you another?'

'Oh,' Connor stammered. 'No, thank you.'

'How about a bit of company, then?'

'Err, I'm with my friend.'

'So am I. I talk to you, he talks to them. How about it, love?'

'Piss off,' Elliot said.

The Alpha scowled back at him. 'I'm not talking to you.'

'Aren't I glad. Now do my mate the same favour and crawl back to wherever you came from.'

'Mate?' the Alpha frowned, before realising how Elliot had meant it. 'Right. Almost sounded like wishful thinking there for a bit. You don't honestly think you have a shot, a scrawny Beta like you? Pretty things go for real men.'

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