Chapter 5

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For a moment neither Alexis nor Connor moved.

Then with a terrifying snarl, Alexis had ripped open his car door and gotten out, staring in fury at his damaged hood.

'Bloody hell!' Connor heard a shout, and saw Dheeraj running out of the chippy towards Alexis. 'You all right, sir?'

'Yes,' Alexis growled, and even though his rage wasn't directed at him, Connor saw Dheeraj recoil a bit.

Connor couldn't blame the Beta. Alexis was scaring him shitless as well.

Then Dheeraj glimpsed him. 'Connor! Blimey, kid, are you hurt?'

'N-no,' Connor replied, and shakily got out of the car. 'I'm all right.'

'Who threw this?' Alexis bit out through clenched teeth.

Dheeraj didn't hesitate. 'The two retards who live upstairs.'

Alexis swivelled to look at Connor, and Connor shrank back. 'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'll go talk to them and -'

'You're staying here. You're not getting an inch closer to those nutcases,' Alexis snarled. 'I will go talk to them.'

There was something so ominous in his tone Connor shivered. 'No, Alexis, please wait. I -'

'You nothing. I'll give your neighbours the chance to explain to me why I shouldn't call Scotland Yard. You stay here.'

'Neighbours?' Dheeraj said in outrage. 'They're his flatmates!'

'What?' Alexis replied, and the quietness in his voice was worse than his shouting. 'Is that true, Connor?'

Connor had tears in his eyes out of mortification, but he nodded.

'I'm sorry,' he repeated. 'I promise I'll fix this, I -'

'I've changed my mind,' Alexis interrupted coldly. 'You're coming. Give me your keys.'

Connor fumbled for them even though he didn't understand Alexis' train of thoughts, but he was so desperate to redeem himself he didn't question it.

Alexis took the keys from him then looked at Dheeraj. 'Sir, would you mind helping Connor? He needs to pack. We're leaving as soon as I've dealt with this.'

'W-what?' Connor spluttered. 'N-no, I -'

'You are not staying here,' Alexis merely replied with finality before turning and walking towards the stairs to the first floor.

'Come on, lad,' Dheeraj encouraged, and Connor followed him in a panicked daze.

Alexis didn't understand. Connor had nowhere else to go.

They could hear Mark and Amy's shouting as they ascended the stairs. It was accompanied by the sound of things breaking and falling. Connor didn't want to imagine the state of the flat.

But it could be worse, his mind desperately supplied. At least Mark and Amy were still communicating with words. Sometimes, when they were really out of it, they would just yell at each other making animal noises and whoever was loudest won.

Alexis unlocked the door to their flat and they entered. Mark and Amy's screaming came from the kitchen, and Alexis followed the sound, Dheeraj and Connor after him.

The pair stood in the middle of broken plates, glasses, potted plants, frames, torn packages of rice and pasta and bits of weed everywhere. Mark was in nothing but his briefs and a cap on his head whilst Amy wore a nightdress and socks for gloves. He was barking and she was mooing.

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