Chapter 9

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When Alexis called him the next day, Connor decided not to mention anything. Not meeting David's friends, not the bracelet, not Sasha. Nothing.

It would be pointless over the phone. Not only would it irritate Alexis and distract him when he was on a business trip, but it wouldn't accomplish anything. They needed to do this face-to-face.

Connor wasn't very good at lying, but he managed to convince his Alpha he was just tired when Alexis picked up on his slightly off behaviour. It wasn't even a lie, considering Connor had gone to bed close to one in the morning the previous night.

But it was still so good to hear Alexis' voice again. Even knowing they had an unpleasant conversation ahead of them, Connor couldn't wait for his Alpha to come home on Sunday.

In the meantime... Connor was hesitant at first, but in the end his curiosity won out. He wanted to know more about Alexis, about the strange things Elliot had said and if any of them were true. It wasn't wrong, Connor told himself. He wasn't going through Alexis' personal things or snooping in his study; he was just trying to find his Alpha's social media and anything else on the internet about him. There shouldn't be a problem with Connor knowing something about Alexis that was already public information, and it might help him understand his Alpha a bit better.

Early on, Alexis hadn't given him any social media handles because he said he didn't use them, and it certainly seemed to be so. Neither had David, or any of his friends; Connor's only connection were Abigail's, and so he browsed through them looking for Alexis.

Connor didn't spend a lot of time on social media, but Abigail never disappointed with how unreal hers was. It was nothing but a parade of pictures of her family, vacations she'd gone on with David, her garden, dishes and cakes she prepared, piano covers she made, and the occasional funny story. It looked like the life out of one of those American films, where everything was beautiful and perfect.

He couldn't even call it faked. From what he'd seen of her, she led exactly that life.

To his inquiry, she did confirm Alexis didn't use any social platform any more, but she also provided him with the links to his old accounts.

They were indeed dead as dodos. They'd either been wiped clean or the last activity had been five or six years ago, mostly comments on someone else's posts. There was more Alexis in Abigail's updates (apparently her and David had gone to Switzerland last winter and taken Alexis with them) than there was in Alexis'. Abigail also told Connor that, whilst Elliot didn't have any online presence, David, Ned and Soheil did.

It fit with the friend requests Connor had gotten. He accepted them before having a look, and snorted.

Clearly sanitised for the public eye. There was no hint of the drunkards who did drugs on a weekday, their posts nothing but good little boys who played polo together and had one pint Friday night.

Right. So Connor had actually not learnt anything. He decided to go back to the basics and simply typed Alexis' name in a search engine to see what it would spit out.

He found more results than he'd expected. Most notably, he found articles about a court trial a few years ago, where against all expectations, Alexis had just about gotten his client off. A disgraced big name in drug trafficking who'd apparently been thrown under the bus by his associates and been given a young, inexperienced legal aide solicitor with the aim to make it easier for the prosecution.

Not with Alexis, though. He'd somehow managed to acquit his client of the major charges and the man was let off with a fine and some community time, which outraged the public judging by the comments on almost all the articles. Reading through the charges, Connor couldn't disagree with them, but part of him was still proud of his Alpha. It wasn't Alexis' fault he was good.

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