Chapter 12

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'Touch me again, you worthless tart, and I'll rip you apart!' Alexis thundered at the Omega, who was holding his face and cowering in front of the enraged Alpha.

'Alexis, stop!' Connor exclaimed, putting himself between them. 'Stop, please!'

'Don't you fucking take his side!' Alexis snarled, eyes narrowed and teeth bared.

A thrill of fear went through Connor at the sight of Alexis so savagely angry, but his Alpha wouldn't hurt him.

'I'm not taking anyone's side,' Connor appeased, holding up his hands and trying to focus Alexis' attention on him. 'But you can't strike -'

'Oh yes I can. He touched me first. And don't even think of threatening me with the cops, you slut,' he growled over Connor's head at the Omega. 'I make a living out of the law. Try to come after me and I'll fuck you, and not in the way you want!'

'Alexis! Please, calm down,' Connor pleaded, taking a step towards his Alpha. He hesitated a split second then slowly put his hands against Alexis' heaving chest, feeling every powerful muscle wound up in aggression. 'Please, take a deep breath and calm down. It's okay.'

Alexis looked down at him, his grey eyes blazing, and for a tense moment, there was silence whilst no one moved.

Then Alexis slowly exhaled, not looking any less furious but at least more in control of himself.

'Let's go,' he curtly told Connor. 'Get your backpack and let's leave.'

Connor did, trying to ignore the stare of the other Omega as he returned to Alexis' side with his backpack from where he'd left it near the bench.

'You're going with him? After that?' the Omega abruptly said, and Connor took a second to realise the stranger was talking to him.

He turned to look at the Omega but Alexis snarled, gripping his shoulders to steer him back around.

'Don't fucking talk to him,' he hissed at the other Omega.

'It's okay, Alexis,' Connor soothed him, wriggling in his hold to look back.

The Omega had a bright red mark on his left cheek, but otherwise he didn't seem more harmed or upset by what Alexis had done, mustering Connor with narrowed eyes. Connor himself bit back an impulsive, furious, primitive urge to tell the Omega to get lost, and how dare he try to cosy up to Alexis that way - the Alpha was HIS.

But Connor knew if he did, and showed Alexis the other Omega had upset him, the Alpha would lose his cool completely, and judging by the tremors in his fingers where he held Connor, that would end very, very badly.

'It's okay,' he simply repeated, trying to convey Alexis more calm than he felt.

'The useless whore's got nothing to say to you,' Alexis growled, his grip on Connor's shoulders becoming painful. 'We're going and that strumpet can go fuck himself, it's what he does best.'

'Very classy of you, Alyosha,' the Omega sneered, crossing his arms. 'Very mature. You didn't seem to mind my ways too much back when you got something out of them.'

'Something?' Alexis repeated, a dangerous hiss creeping into his voice. 'I guess shit is something, if you want to call it that.'

'You didn't seem to think it was "shit" when it made you come. You didn't mind me being a "tart" or a "slut" then.'

'You don't appear to understand something,' Alexis hissed, whirling back around to tower over the Omega. 'Being a slut for me was expected, that made you my Omega. Being a slut for everyone else, however, that just made you a whore. You're now getting the respect whores deserve - that is to say, none. Now piss the fuck off and if I see you again, you'll wish I were Rostov.'

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