Chapter 6

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Connor woke first the next morning. Carefully he disentangled himself from Alexis' embrace, relieved when he didn't wake the Alpha. Alexis looked cute, his handsome face relaxed and his curly hair mussed. Connor couldn't resist kissing his cheek before going into the bathroom.

There was a bruise around his wrist where the strange Alpha had grabbed him. He showered and after looking around a bit, found a bandage he wrapped around his wrist. He finished dressing, then went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

His eggs and sausages were done and he was trying to reach the toast on the top shelf when he was suddenly embraced from behind and a kiss planted on his cheek.

He squealed in surprise and giggled. 'Gosh, you scared me!'

'Good morning, pet,' Alexis chuckled, getting the toast down for him. 'What's happened to your wrist?'

'Nothing, I just, err, hit myself,' Connor replied, then stood on tiptoes to distract Alexis with a kiss.

The Alpha was dressed in sportswear and grinned at Connor whilst beginning to prepare his coffee, but it wasn't quite enough to hide the dark circles beneath his eyes.

Connor frowned. It was half past five and he didn't understand why Alexis was up yet; the office people usually showed up at nine. 'When did you get home yesterday?'

'I don't know, I think about two.'

'Why not sleep in? You look tired.'

'It's fine. I've had enough all-nighters, this isn't too bad. I'm meeting my brother and his friends at the gym, I already skipped out the whole of last week.'

'Oh. Well, do you want something to eat? The pan's still hot, I can make you sausages.'

Alexis' eyes lit up. 'I usually grab something on the way, but yes, I'd love some.'

Connor was happy to oblige.

'I also want to apologise for last night,' Alexis continued, leaning against the counter whilst Connor busied himself with the sausages. 'I behaved like a boor, and it's not the first time. I'll give you a key so you can lock the bedroom door whenever I'm out late.'

'What?' Connor looked up in shock. 'No, it's all right! You didn't do anything wrong, you were just a bit drunk and, well, horny, but I'm not locking you out for that! Where would you sleep anyway?'

'There's a pull down bed in my study, it's fine. You don't have to suffer me molesting you every time just because I can't hold my liquor.'

'That's ridiculous,' Connor replied honestly. 'You didn't do anything wrong, and it's not as though, well, you know, I mean...'

Connor trailed off, blushing and vaguely gesturing between them. He couldn't quite say it yet.

'As though what?' Alexis asked, watching him intently.

'Well, err. You know. As though I don't... like you,' Connor mumbled, blushing furiously as he looked down at the frying sausages.

He gasped when he was suddenly pulled back and turned, looking up into Alexis' face. The Alpha gently cupped his cheek and leant down, his eyes warm with affection.

'I know you do, pet. But that's not the issue. I didn't bring you here so I could more easily grope you in bed. Well, maybe that, too, but it's not the main reason. I don't want you to think you owe me anything for being here. You don't have to put up with my bad behaviour, Connor. And it's not your fault, but you're too tempting. Especially when my inhibitions are a bit... looser than they should be. So do this for me, pet.'

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