Chapter 3

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Connor felt a bit itchy when he woke the next morning, but he quickly forgot about it when he looked at his phone.

Alexis had sent him a text at quarter past three in the morning. Tell me when I can call you.

Connor wanted to reply Right now, but he had no idea what Alexis was doing (he'd mentioned an early flight) and Connor had to get to work. He needed to clean the ground floor before the people working in the upstairs offices showed up. Other members of staff took care of the offices, for which Connor was grateful because he (with Jack's help) had the kitchens and refectory as well. At least that way he had his break from eight until noon.

8-12 or after 6 is ok for me, he replied.

It also gave him some time to process last night. He couldn't believe what he'd done, flushing crimson when he thought of it, but it had felt so right. His Alpha had needed an Omega, had needed him, and Connor had done well. Alexis' praise made it impossible to regret it. Connor only hoped the Alpha wouldn't, either.

Alexis had said some things Connor didn't like in hindsight. Words such as "again" and "before" that implied something prior to Connor, and in a negative sense. Connor was clearly not Alexis' first Omega, the Alpha had said as much, and whilst it stung to know, it was also not surprising. Considering what an attractive Alpha Alexis was, there was no way Connor could be his first.

But if Alexis' previous Omegas had disappointed him, Connor didn't want to make that same mistake. Alexis would probably find a better Omega at some point, but Connor wanted to know he'd have done his best for his Alpha. He couldn't help it; he knew it was demeaning to obsess over someone who would settle for better, but every instinct in him told him this was his Alpha, whom he should please and cherish.

It made him appreciate it all the more they would take it slower than instincts told them to. That they would know each other, and it was Connor's best shot at convincing Alexis to maybe eventually keep him. His old, foul-mouthed Omega neighbour back home had told him as much, They come for your hole but stay for your personality. Connor had been shocked speechless at first but now he could see how she might have had a point.

It was out of Connor's control anyway. Unless he left his workplace, blocked Alexis' number and did all he could to flee from the Alpha, anytime Alexis wanted something from him, Connor knew he would be there, unable to resist Alexis' will.

It was pathetic. Connor needed a spine. But Nature had given him an Omega's needs instead, and he didn't know how to defend himself against them.

Didn't truly want to, right now. Everything with Alexis was just too good.

Connor's phone rang at eleven, whilst he was having lunch with Jack and the four ladies who cleaned the offices. He excused himself at once, disappearing outside in a little nook.

'Hi,' he said as he picked up.

'Hello pet. How are you?'

Alexis sounded normal again, his harshness from last night gone.

'I'm fine, thanks,' Connor replied. 'How about you? Did you get your flight okay?'

'I did, pet. Some idiot tried telling me nail clippers are a weapon but otherwise I got my plane just fine.'

'Where are you?' Connor couldn't help asking.


'In Romania? What for?'

Alexis chuckled, and Connor hoped the Alpha wouldn't think him nosy. 'Work, pet. Unfortunately, I have some things to take care of here. But I'll be back Wednesday. Do you have time after work on Thursday? My week's fully booked otherwise, but I want to see you.'

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