Chapter 7

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Connor woke encased in warmth, locked tightly to a huge heater at his back. He shifted, and jumped when he suddenly felt kisses on the nape of his neck.


Connor relaxed and let himself be turned around to cuddle up to the Alpha's chest, nose filled with his wonderful scent.

'Slept well?' Alexis rumbled from above him.

'Yes,' Connor replied with a little yawn. 'What about you?'

'Mhm. Better than in a while.'

This was his chance, Connor abruptly realised. He moved back a bit, just enough so he could look up into Alexis' eyes, and the Alpha looked questioningly back.

Connor gathered his courage. 'Will you move back into your bedroom then? I want you to.'

Alexis hummed again. 'I can't promise to keep my hands off you, pet.'

'That's - that's all right.'

'Is it really?'

'Yes. I don't - I'm not saying that because I feel as though I owe you. I mean, I do, but that's not why. I - I like this. Waking up with you and, you know, cuddling and all that...'

Connor felt a bit stupid, but Alexis didn't seem to think that way. He tightened his hold, pulling Connor flush against him, and Connor felt the pleased, low sound the Alpha made through his own body.

'So do I, pet. So do I. All right, then. If you are comfortable with it, we'll share a bed.'

Connor grinned. 'Great. I'll help you move your stuff back in.'

Alexis chuckled, and bent his head to touch his forehead to Connor's, looking into his eyes with a fond smile. 'Thank you, pet. I think I'll manage.'

Connor blushed at the way Alexis stared at him. There was no lust in his gaze, but something even warmer that sent butterflies through Connor's stomach.

Then Alexis closed his eyes with a sigh. 'Your virtue will be safe for the next weeks anyway. I don't think I'll have much time next week judging from the emails I got when you were still sleeping, and after that I'll most likely be expected in Bucharest again.'

Work emails on a Sunday. Once more, Connor had to stifle the impulse to say something.

Instead he tried for optimism. 'Well, there's always the week after that.'

Alexis chuckled. 'Yes, hopefully.'

'Are you - I mean, is there always so much for you to do?'

Alexis opened his eyes again. He didn't seem annoyed, but it was one of those times Connor couldn't tell what the Alpha was thinking.

'For now,' Alexis eventually replied. 'But hopefully... If all goes well, not for much longer. A few months, maybe. Then I'll be done once and for all. But don't worry about it. No matter what, I'll try to make time for you.'

He smiled, and Connor didn't quite understand what Alexis meant with "done", but it was impossible not to smile back.

Alexis kissed his forehead. 'I have a few things to finish, but I'll try to be quick, and then we can watch a film here.'

The Alpha motioned towards the television on the dresser opposite them, and Connor felt his heart skip a beat at the thought of cuddling up to his Alpha under the duvet with snacks to watch something. It sounded perfect.

'All right,' he said happily, disentangling himself to get up as well. 'I have the kitchen to clean up, too.'

Alexis waved a dismissive hand. 'Don't bother. The cleaning lady comes tomorrow anyway. I'll leave her a tip and she can do that.'

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