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Three years ago, had someone asked Alexis where he saw himself now, he would have given what he considered a fairly unsurprising answer: successful and established in his career, unattached and free personally. He'd spend his days in the courtroom or with clients, and his nights with whatever pretty thing struck his latest fancy. He'd indulge himself in every way he wished, whether material or otherwise, and have everything a good-looking, wealthy and high-flying Alpha of his standing could possibly get. Really, Alexis hadn't thought there'd be much else to have than what he'd envisioned for himself.

Circumstances, as they were, had proven him wrong.

Alexis was indeed successful in his career, but he didn't go home to either his bachelor's flat or that of an attractive stranger's every weekend, his long-standing reputation as a charming, elusive heartbreaker doing nothing to dissuade prospective partners.

Instead, for the past year, Alexis had had the reputation of a proper, faithful, and devoted married man who did everything right by his darling little Omega spouse.

Well. Some things just couldn't be accounted for, and the irresistibility of his precious mate was surely one of them.

Alexis had had uncountable partners over the years. Some for longer, others for mere hours, and it wasn't something he was either proud or ashamed of; rather, he had considered it normal. No Omega, or even the occasional Beta, he'd approached had refused him, and Alexis was well aware of his own attractiveness so he had not given it further thought. Admittedly, his relationship with Sasha had put a serious dent in his self-esteem, but several years of having his pick of partners again afterwards had dulled the sting.

And then, on a rainy afternoon, he'd run into the man who had awoken another kind of want entirely.

Alexis had been increasingly interested in the mysterious, alluring Omega for several days before meeting him, but he had not considered it more than that. Once he'd have found the little thing, he'd charm him into going into heat for him for what would surely be several exceedingly satisfying days, and that would be it. Perhaps, if the Omega was an exceptionally good lay, Alexis would give him his number for future heats, but perhaps not. Either way, Alexis would have had what he wanted.

Or not. Meeting Connor had been one of the strangest experiences of Alexis' life. He'd felt strong attraction before, especially towards Sasha, but nothing that came close to the ridiculous warmth, downright giddiness he'd felt when he'd made Connor smile and laugh with a stupid joke about British geography.

The Omega was just darling. And Alexis had wanted more.

More than just fuck him. Well, that too, beyond all reason really, but not only.

And so Alexis had found himself in the unusual position of trying to court someone, and in a way that was more than sexual. He had no trouble seducing, but making an impression which surpassed that required more finesse, patience, and skills beyond keeping up a facade for a few hours before not planning on seeing that person again.

Somehow, Alexis had succeeded. Not always to perfection, but he had ended up getting the Omega, and the satisfaction of having Connor melt in his arms was only matched by one other single, all-consuming, fierce emotion: the Omega was his, and Alexis would never let him go again. He couldn't think of a single thing the world could offer him that would be half as good as Connor.

Perhaps the intensity of his attachment towards the little Omega should have unsettled him, but Alexis was not the type to dwell on complicated solutions when there was an easy one; he'd turned the situation over in his head several times already, found no upside to severing ties with Connor, and if needing to have the Omega meant having all of him, then that was what Alexis would get.

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