Chapter 11

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Connor was still in a bit of a shock when he returned home. Simon had kindly written him a medical certificate for the rest of the day, saying he should go home and rest.

Connor made himself a cup of tea then did just that, lying down on the sofa to process everything he'd been told.

So he'd been roofied, but strangely, that news had made the least impact on him. Most likely because it hadn't ended badly for him, so it didn't have the shock value it might have had otherwise. It also wouldn't really affect him in the long run, luckily since Alexis' presence had prevented his body from going into overdrive. Connor hadn't really understood everything Simon had explained later on, but he'd gotten the gist of it. Maybe the whole ordeal would follow him for a few more months up to a year depending if the matter went to court or not, but after that it could be shelved away as a bad experience with a lucky ending.

The other piece of news was much more staggering. He still had trouble believing it. It would just be... too good. The kind of one-in-a-million lucky things that only happened to other people, not him. How even...? Simon had said they didn't know. It didn't seem to be inherited, it just happened. Or something. Science wasn't Connor's forte but he had understood the doctors themselves were baffled and right now, couldn't explain why or how him. They'd very much like to compare his case to the two others in Britain, and do a study or something, but Simon had said there was always time for that kind of talk later and really, Connor shouldn't think about it for now.

Connor didn't really care. Scientists could have their fun with him at some point, if they didn't ask for too weird things. He didn't quite know what such a "study" entailed but maybe it could help other Omegas? That would be wonderful.

Connor also better understood other things now. Simon had said this was probably why the suppressants had taken longer to act; they hadn't been tailored towards Omegas with Connor's unusual metabolism and hormonal make-up. Still, as long as they worked, Simon had advised to continue taking them, and then he'd made Connor blush by bluntly saying he wouldn't recommend Connor use hormonal birth control but to stick to condoms.

Right. That had been awkward. But at least very straight-forward.

Simon had also promised not to tell Alexis. Connor hadn't planned on asking that, but it'd slipped out when the topic of sex had automatically conjured Alexis in his mind. Connor knew Simon wasn't supposed to tell Alexis, but the two Alphas were friends (not to mention what David had said about Simon wanting to please Alexis) so he might let something slip. Simon had looked rather surprised, but he'd assented without hesitation.

Good. So the secret was Connor's to share.

And what a secret it was.

I can be a parent. It was a dream for someone who loved children. All Connor needed to start his own family was the perfect Alpha, and - well.

Alpha. Alexis. Should Connor tell him? He didn't know. Was it something Alexis would even care to know? They weren't even mated yet, the possibility of children was so far removed right now it would be bizarre if Connor brought it up. Maybe it'd even freak Alexis out, thinking Connor wanted a kid now.

Connor's phone vibrated and his heart missed a beat.

He knew it was unkind but he couldn't help being slightly disappointed when Elliot's name flashed above an incoming text.

how was it?

It was very nice of the other Omega to have remembered, though.

Okay, thanks. I'm home now.

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