Chapter 20

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Note: contains violence and non-consensual situations


Connor stared up at Dmitri, terrified as he'd never been before in his whole life. Dmitri made a hand gesture to the Alpha holding him, and the man released Connor's mouth.

'P-please,' Connor stuttered at once, trying to speak whilst filling his crushed lungs with air. 'Please let me go, I won't tell anyone -'

'Shush. Do you know who I am, Connor?'

Connor gave a tiny nod, not trusting himself to speak as Dmitri's smile broadened.

'Good. Tell me, then.'

'D-Dmitri Rostov,' Connor choked out.

'I see Elliot's told you all about me. Don't worry. Dmitri will do just fine between us, my little Omega.'

'Please, please let me go -'

'Connor. You're not that foolish, are you?'

'Please,' Connor begged, his voice small and desperate as he looked up at Dmitri's satisfied face. 'Please, I-I just wish to go home, I'll never tell anyone -'

'We will, don't worry. Tomorrow you'll be in your new home, and I'm sure you'll like it, little Omega. I told you - only the best money can buy.'

No. Where did the Alpha plan on taking him? Connor couldn't process what was happening. Not an hour ago he'd been at Alexis', drinking with Elliot -

Elliot. What had the other Omega done to him? Why?

Dmitri reached out, taking Connor's chin between his fingers and tilting his head up.

'You seem lost, little Omega,' he smirked. 'It's a cute look. Don't worry. I don't expect a lot of brains from you. Your pretty face will suffice.'

Connor wanted to crawl out of his skin at the way Dmitri was mustering him, as though he were seeing through Connor's clothes. 'W-what do you want from me?' he whispered.

Dmitri's smirk widened. 'Three simple things, little Omega. An obedient bedmate, a pretty face, and children.'

The last word was like a punch to Connor's gut. He stared up at Dmitri, stupefied and mindless from shock. How...?

Dmitri chuckled before making another gesture to a nearby Beta. The Beta approached Connor to empty all his pockets, and Connor wanted to protest but one look at Dmitri's face and he just swallowed.

Then blinked in incomprehension when the few coins and handkerchief landed on the floor, but his phone was nowhere. He was sure he'd had it in his back-pocket, but...

Dmitri's grin when the Beta handed him Connor's keys was nightmarish. He said nothing, but the malice in his eyes made Connor's heart stop.

There were no words to describe Dmitri's satisfied look once the Beta's search was over. 'Good. Now let's get going.'

For a moment Connor was too petrified to react as the Alpha holding him began dragging him towards the door, but as they left the room, Connor's survival instincts returned.

He began squirming in the Alpha's grip, trying anything to get away, and pleading with Dmitri.

But Dmitri ignored him, and a Beta suddenly grabbed Connor's legs, holding them as he was carried down the stairs. Connor's mouth was covered again as they left the building through a backdoor, and then he was unceremoniously thrown into the back of a limousine.

Connor scrambled to get up from the car floor, then retreated to the furthest end when Dmitri entered after him.

The Alpha closed the door behind him, locking them alone in the back of the vehicle, though out of the tinted windows, Connor could see several of his men get into another car.

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