2. Beginning of Love

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Past. 1986.

Everybody wants to rule the world - myself included

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Everybody wants to rule the world - myself included. But with my bad punctuality, I wouldn't get much far from the tree I was falling off - a tree of complete chaos. Not that it was just my fault - but mostly it was.

I get to the front door of Skylar club in a rush, the neon sign with its name shining purple and bright blue over the wet street and the people. I'm at least an hour late by now and I'll let a whole lot of people in rage if I don't enter this place right now. Ignoring the kilometer-long line outside, I walk straight to the security guard who's standing there. I don't recognize him.

"Hey, excuse me!" I say calling his attention, "I'm one of the dancers for tonight and I'm really late for my presentation here."

"I'll check in my list. Your name?"

"Maysilee Thomsen."

He looks down at his paper then looks at me. "Yeah, no." He answers with a straight face.

"What?! What do you mean by no!? I have to get in now!"

"Maysilee has already checked in. Just go to the end of the line, please. You're causing a fuss."

"Let me talk to somebody, they'll recognize me."

"I ain't leaving my post, also my boss is deep in the back, no way he'll hear me now."

"But I didn't bring any money. I can't pay for the entrance!"

He laughs. "Well, that's not my problem."

As I start puffing my way down the line to go back from where I came, maybe I could someone to pay me, flirt with some boy or- but someone in there quickly grabs my arm making me stop just a few steps later.

"Are you really performing?" A pale and brown-haired guy asks.

"Doesn't my face of distress say enough?"

"Would it be fine with you if I...?" He asks the people behind him.

"If she's really telling the truth." A girl says with a hint of irony.

"I am." I insist, with my voice steady.

"Then come with me. I'll pay for you," he says.

"Are you serious?!" He nods laughing. I get past the security cord. "Thank you so so much, you saved my ass."

"Not a problem. I'm Mads, ass saver, nice to meet you."

I laugh. "I'm Maysilee, very unlucky!"

"Not so unlucky after all" He smiles. A face as clear and smooth as the surface of a lake, and as angular as a rock.

"Sorry for saying this, but you don't sound like you're from here."

"That's okay, I'm not. I'm Danish."

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