(2) I'll shove Oreos into your mouth until you choke.

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Aria's POV

I wake up to my alarm and slowly reach out for my phone. I unplug it from the charger and turn it off. Why did summer go by so fast...?

I sluggishly get out of bed and walk down the stairs. I make myself a bowl of cereal and rub the tiredness out of my eyes. It's too early to be awake.

After I'm done packing my lunch, I go back to my room and start to get ready.


I grab my backpack and walk back down the stairs

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I grab my backpack and walk back down the stairs. I catch my parents eating breakfast and say, "Pasok na ko sa eskwela babay ingat." (I'm going to school, bye! Take care.)

They both kiss my forehead, and I open the garage door. Once I get inside my car, I pick a playlist and go to school. Today is going to be a long day.

I park and then trudge toward the entrance. At my locker, I grab my shit and slam the door shut. I'm pretty sure you're the only senior who still uses their locker.

The bell rings, and I head to my first class. I choose to sit in the back and wait for class to start. I look around and see I'm not close to any of these people.

I sigh and continue to open random apps on my phone. I'm about to open the weather app when someone says, "Aria?"

"Here," I say without thinking.

I hear a guy laugh in front of me and look up. Well, if it isn't pizza guy! "He's not taking attendance yet..." He says.

"Oh, hey, Aaron," I say, laughing at myself.

"This seat taken?" He asks, pointing to the desk beside me.

"I guess you can sit there..." I say, playfully rolling my eyes.

He smiles and sets his stuff down. A few minutes later, the teacher starts to take attendance. This time I pay attention, and I swear I hear Aaron laugh at me when I say here. I lightly kick his shin, and he sticks out his tongue.

"So, as an ice breaker, we're gonna do some partner work." The teacher says.

I scoff and murmur, "What's better than talking to people you don't know?"

"Awww, come on, Aria... I can't be that bad." Aaron whispers, giving me a grin.

I give him the side eye and continue to listen to the teacher. Why do we have to present personal information to the class? Your hobbies and interests are very different from your social security number.

"Do you want to do a poster or a PowerPoint for our introduction?" Aaron asks.

"I think creating slides is easier," I say, taking out my computer.

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