(10) I thought I was the love of your life?

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Aria's POV

I wake up to my alarm and groan into my pillow. Wait, why do we have an alarm for Sunday? Oh yay! I thought it was already Monday.

I sit up in my bed and look around. What were you planning on doing...? A few seconds later, I remembered I was supposed to hang out with Jules, Henry, and Aaron.

I look at the clock and see it's 10:45. Hurry! I literally jump out of my bed and go to my bathroom.


I hear the doorbell ring and freeze

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I hear the doorbell ring and freeze. I look at the time and see it's already 11. I hear my mom open the door and run down the stairs. I quickly put on my shoes and walk towards the foyer.

"Hey," I say, walking towards Aaron.

"Oreo." He says, giving me a cute grin.

"Ang gwapo." My mom says with a smirk. (He's handsome.)

"Ma..." I say, trying to get her to stop talking. Wouldn't it be awkward if Aaron knew Tagalog?

She laughs at me and says, "Ingat."

"Love you," I say, kissing her cheek.

Aaron and I step out of the house, and I ask, "Are you Filipino?" You guys have been friends for like two months and don't know this?

He nods, and I ask, "Can you speak Tagalog?"

He hesitates and says, "No, my parents can, though." Phew!

"So what's the plan?" I ask after he opens the door for me.

"We're supposed to meet them at the movie theater." He says, getting in the car.

"Oh, fun! What movie?" I ask.

"I'm not sure... I think Frozen 2." He says, starting to drive.

I connect to his Bluetooth and choose a song to play. Soon we're in the theater's parking lot, and we get out of the car. He opens the door for me, and we see Jules and Henry in line.

I walk up to them and say, "Hey, guys."

Jules hugs me, and I say, "I need popcorn."

"Same. I didn't eat breakfast," Henry says.

Aaron joins us in line, and we finally get to the front. I'm about to pay for my ticket when Aaron says, "I got it."

"What? No. Are you sure?" I ask, feeling guilty he's spending money on me.

He turns to face me and says, "Yes, I'm sure."

We get in line for food, and I look at the drinks. Slushy? Slushy. When it's our turn to order, I ask for a large bucket of popcorn and a blue raspberry slushy. I hand the popcorn to Aaron while I fill up my cup.

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