(3) Are you interested in him?

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Aria's POV

I get to my locker and sigh in frustration. Why does your lock never want to open when you're almost late to class?! My locker finally chooses to open, so I grab my binders.

I run towards my first class and almost trip on my own foot. Klutz. I didn't trip, though! I walk inside and see Aaron look up. Weird how your eyes searched for him the second you walked in. My desk is beside his. Of course, he would be in my peripheral vision.

"Wow, one minute to spare." He says, laughing at me.

"I snoozed all my alarms, and my mom had to wake me up," I say.

"I was starting to think you were gonna skip without me." He says, pretending to be sad.

I laugh at his expression and say, "My parents would never let me skip. The only exception is me throwing up."

"Sadly, that's also how my parents are." He says.

"But it's not like I've wanted to skip for fun. I mean, I'm here to graduate, and if I miss one day, I'm behind on all my classes." I say, rolling my eyes.

"When I get sick, it always seems to be on the days we get taught a whole lesson, and if you weren't there, you wouldn't get the rest of the unit." He says.


I walk into the cafeteria with Aaron and wave to Julia and Henry. I get to my table and see Brittany and Becca talking.

"Who was that?" Becca asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Who?" I ask, confused.

"Him," Brittany says, pointing to Aaron.

"Oh, that's Aaron," I say, starting to eat my lunch.

"He's cute," Brittany says, giggling. We know. Shut up.

"Are you interested in him?" Becca asks.

Before I could answer, Brittany said, "No way, Aria doesn't date. There was this guy last year who asked her out, and she said no. What was his name again?"

"I forgot." I lie. Why did you lie to her? When Ben asked me out, he was only trying to get closer to Brittany. I just gave him her number, and they dated for a while.

"Should I do it?" Brittany asks, eyeing Aaron.

"Uh, no... I don't-" I start to say, but she leaves before I can finish.

"What is she gonna do?" Becca asks, confused.

"When she finds a guy she wants to date, she does this act, and a week later, they're dating," I say, subtly rolling my eyes. "She has a new boyfriend like every month," I add.

"How has she not run out of guys?" Becca asks.

"Well, when Brittany wants something, she gets it," I say, shrugging.

I see Brittany prep her keys, and I say, "She's gonna walk past his table, drop her keys, and pretend to walk away."

I watch Aaron spot her keys on the floor, and he gets up to give it back to her. "When the guy returns her keys, she starts flirting with them," I say.

I see her touch his arm, and I clench my jaw. "Awww, they'd make a cute couple!" Becca says, smiling.

"Ya..." I say half-heartedly.

Aaron pulls her hand off of his shoulder and sits back down. He didn't look all that interested. There's still hope! For what...?

"How'd it go?" Becca asks.

"Pretty well! I invited him to sit with us during lunch next week." She says.

"You think he'll actually sit with us?" Becca asks.

"They always do. They can't resist this." She says, motioning to her body.


"What would you like to order?" I ask the customer.

"Can I have coffee with a cheeseburger and fries?" She asks, handing me her menu.

"Coming right up," I say, taking the menu.

I write the order and pour the hot coffee into a mug. I return to the customer area and trip on the side of a stool. Thankfully, I balanced myself before I face-planted.

I feel the hot drink spill onto my arm and almost drop the mug. I immediately put down the cup and ran to the bathroom. I place my arm under the faucet and let the cold water cool my skin.

Today has been great! Well, at least the first week of school is over. Now I need toothpaste for the burn. Now you're overreacting. That's not a burn. Whatever.

I glance down at my appearance and want to scream with annoyance. My white shoes are stained. Well, now you have weekend plans! Clean your shoes! Yay.


Thanks for reading! 😊

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Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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