(8) I have someone in mind.

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Aria's POV

I trudge down the stairs and see my parents are already getting ready. I'm hungry! Calm down. We're getting food.

My dad asks if I want eggs, and I nod. He hands me a plate of eggs with rice, and I grab ketchup to mix it together. After I eat breakfast, I go back upstairs to get ready.


When I get to school, I see Aaron, Julia, and Henry walking in my direction

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When I get to school, I see Aaron, Julia, and Henry walking in my direction. "Hi!" I say with a wave.

"Only one more day until the weekend!" Julia says dramatically.

I laugh and say, "This week has gone by super slow."

"Then the weekend is over in a snap," Henry says with a sigh. "Are we all free this weekend?" Henry asks.

"I have work in the morning, but the rest of the day, I'm free," Aaron says.

"I'm always free for you," Julia says, kissing Henry's cheek. Aaron and I immediately glance at each other and pretend to gag.

They roll their eyes at us, and Julia asks, "What about you?"

"Huh?" I ask, confused.

"Are you busy?" She asks.

"I guess I can clear my schedule for you guys," I say jokingly.

Aaron nudges my arm and says, "Great! Now that you're a part of our friend group, I'm not third wheeling."

The bell rings, and Aaron and I head to class together. "I hate this class. I have to sit by this really annoying girl." Aaron teases.

I scoff and ask, "Why did you sit by this annoying girl? The seats aren't permanent."

"You got me there..." He says, laughing. I grin at my victory, and Aaron shyly looks away.


"I've had three guys hit me up this week," Brittany says, annoyed.

"I'd say yes to someone soon... Homecoming is near." Becca says, warning her.

"You're so lucky you already have a date," Brittany says, rolling her eyes at Becca.

Becca smiles and says, "I'm glad he said yes. I was nervous he already found someone."

"What about you, Aria?" Becca asks with a smirk.

I pretend I'm not paying attention and ask, "Huh?"

"Obviously not, it's because she's, you know..." She says, laughing. Bitch. I've had enough. We're cutting her off right now.

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