(15) Just ignore what I said.

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Aria's POV

I walk towards my last class of the week and smile when I see Aaron already inside. I sit at the desk beside him, and he asks, "Are you busy tonight?"

"Why...?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

He playfully rolls his eyes and says, "I was thinking we could go on that date tonight..."

"I'm free," I say, biting back a grin.

"I'll pick you up at 7:00?" He asks, tilting his head. I nod, and we continue talking until class starts.


I glance at the clock and see it's already 6:00. I roll out of bed, knowing I need to curl my hair.


When I finished that task, I decided to do some eyeliner with a natural lip color

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When I finished that task, I decided to do some eyeliner with a natural lip color. I walk down the stairs and see my parents on the couch.

"Ba't bihis na bihis?" My mom asks. (Why are you so dressed up?)

"May date ako." I say, trying not to make it a big deal. (I have a date.)

"Sino?" My dad asks. (With who?)

"Aaron..." I say, putting on my shoes.

My mom grins and says, "Have fun. Let us know if you need anything."

The doorbell rings, and I quickly walk toward the door. Once I open the door, I not so subtly check out Aaron.

"Wow, Aria... You look beautiful." He says, still checking me out.

I grin and say, "Thank you, you clean up nicely."

I turn to lock the door and then turn back around. "So-" I get cut off when he presses his lips against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he pulls me closer. He smiles against my lips, and I can't help but laugh.

"Sorry... I couldn't help it." He sheepishly says.

I blush and murmur, "It's okay... I like your kisses." Did you really say that out loud?

He smirks and is about to respond when I cover his mouth with my hand. "Shut up. Just ignore what I said." I say, feeling embarrassed.

He licks my hand, and I immediately wipe my hand against his arm. I make a disgusted face, and he laughs. He wraps both arms around my waist and says, "You're cute when you blush."

"Shut up..." I complain, letting him drag me to his car.


"Are you ready to order?" Aaron asks, placing the menu down.

"Yep, you?" I ask.

He nods and gets the server's attention. She spots Aaron and smiles. Why does she look evil? A little judgmental, are we? She looks at Aaron and asks, "What would you like?"

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