(17) I'll always be here for you.

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Aria's POV

The second the bell rings, I rush out of the classroom and walk toward Aaron's locker. I feel myself smile and wave at him. You need to calm down. You've been on plenty of dates already. I'll always be excited to spend time with my boyfriend.

I walk up to him, and he turns to face me. "There's my girl." He says softly.

After he locks his locker, I ask, "Ready?"

"Let's go." He says.

"Wow. What a loser." I hear someone say behind Aaron. Aaron turns around, and we see it's Brittany. What does this bitch want?

"You know she has a silly crush on you," Brittany says with a stupid pout. "So pathetic that you think you have a chance." She says in a fake sweet voice.

Aaron wraps an arm around my waist and says, "Good, or this would be awkward." He cups my chin and presses his lips against mine.

We pull away, and I smirk at Brittany. "Of course, I like my boyfriend," I state in a duh tone.

"We've got to go on a date now. Fuck off, and don't talk to us ever again." Aaron says, grabbing ahold of my hand.

"You'll break up with her. No one would want to stay in a relationship with her." Brittany says with a laugh.

I frown but keep my head up. When we get inside Aaron's car, it's completely silent. Is she right? No! Well, I hope not. I feel my eyes start to tear up and try rapidly blinking. Fuck, I'm not going to cry.

Aaron's POV

I start the car and exit the parking lot. I hear a little muffled cry and glance at my girlfriend. I see she's trying to hold her tears in, and I feel a pain in my heart. I place my right hand on top of the console in case she needs something to hold onto.

Her hand hesitantly inches towards mine until she clasps my hand. I can't believe that bitch would say that about my girl.

I lightly squeeze her hand, letting her know I'm here for her, and start tracing circles with my thumb. I stop at the red light and glance at her again.

Silently, tears start rolling down her cheeks, and I pull her hand up to my lips. I kiss each knuckle, and she squeezes my hand. I wish we could do more.

I decide to take a quick stop and order her an Oreo McFlurry from McDonald's. After we get her ice cream, I bring her to my house. When we leave the car, I take her hand and bring her inside.

Quietly, I lead her to my room. We sit by each other on my bed, and I face her. She's hiding behind her hair, so I place the strands behind her ear. I examine her face and see her eyes are puffy.

I wipe away her tears with my thumb and ask, "How can you still look beautiful crying?"

Her lips slightly curve upward, and she says, "You're lying. My nose is red like a tomato, and my eyes are probably puffy."

"I'd never lie to you," I say seriously. "You know she's wrong, right?" I ask.

She shrugs and just holds my hand. I swear I feel my heart break for her and pull her into my lap.

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