(13) One more?

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Aaron's POV

Hours with my Oreo felt like minutes, and soon it was almost midnight. Again, not yours. We're playing Mario Kart, and I'm at my desk while she's on my bed.

I catch her staring at me, and she quickly looks away. I softly smile when I see her blush while trying to pay attention to the game.

A few seconds later, she wins 1st place, and I dramatically ask, "Why?! You're cheating, aren't you?"

She laughs and says, "I can't help it. You suck at this game."

I stand up and pull her foot. "No! Don't make me fall off the bed! I'm so comfortable!" She complains.

I laugh and drag her to the edge. "Mercy! Please! I'll let you win!"

"You said that last round," I say, playfully rolling my eyes.

She pretends to punch my arm but then ends up falling off my bed. I burst out laughing, and she glares at me. I hover over her body and ask, "How are you so good at this game?"

"I don't know. Maybe you're just really bad." She says, smirking.

"You're gonna regret that," I say, about to tickle her stomach.

"No, I might kick your face!" She says, trying to escape.

I pin her wrists above her head and tickle her stomach. "I hate you!" She shouts through her laughter.

I grin at her red face and say, "I'll stop if you let me win one round."

"Fine." She says, trying to squirm out of my hold.

I'm about to let her go when my mom enters my room. "Hey, we have some leftover-" She says, stopping mid-sentence.

Oreo and I separate, and my mom smirks at us. She's going to say something embarrassing. "Am I interrupting something?" She asks, looking at us.

"D-definitely not," Oreo says, laughing awkwardly.

"We were just playing Mario Kart, mom," I say, grabbing the Wii remote.

"You kicking his ass?" She asks Oreo.

She smirks at me and says, "Yep."

"Good. Anyways, we still have pie if you guys are still hungry." My mom says, walking away.

"One more round before I drop you off?" I ask, winking at her. That doesn't sound right.

She automatically gets my innuendo and lightly punches my arm. "Perv." She murmurs, rolling her eyes.

I laugh and say, "I won't go easy on you this time." Stop talking.

She's about to punch me again, but I block her punch with my palm. "You're going down." She says, pressing the start button.

I try to focus on winning, but I keep getting sidetracked by her beauty. You kinda sound creepy now.

A few minutes later, Oreo wins first place and yells, "Suck it!"

"Ugh," I say, dropping the Wii remote. I get up to turn the Wii off while Oreo gathers her belongings.

We walk down the stairs, and I yell, "I'm gonna drop Aria off!"

"Ingat, see you next time Aria." My mom says, waving. (Take care, see you next time Aria.)

I open the garage, and we get in my car. When we get to her driveway, I glance at my backseat. Oreo follows my eyesight and sees the present.

"Who's that for?" She asks.

"Someone really important to me," I say, getting out of the car. After I open the door for Oreo, I subtly grab the gift. Don't be nervous. Thanks.

She's about to unlock the door when I say, "This is for you."

She freezes and turns around. "Really?" She asks, confused. "But you said it's for someone who's-" Her eyes widen when she stops mid-sentence.

I hand her the gift, and she murmurs, "Thanks."

She unwraps my gift and excitedly says, "Oreos!" She reaches up to hug me, and I wrap my arms around her waist.

She sees one more thing in the bag and gasps. "Did you make me a paper flower bouquet?" She asks, looking at me with the prettiest smile.

I shyly nod and tighten my hold around her waist.

"What's the occasion?" She asks, still hugging me.

I look down at her and say, "Uh... I have a question."

She raises her eyebrow and waits for my question. Hurry up! "Will you go out with me?" I ask quietly.

She freezes, and I start to panic. "Shit, was I wrong...? I'm really bad at reading signals. If you want, we can just be friends." I babble, starting to doubt myself.

I try to unwrap my arms around her when she jumps into my arms. I almost lost my balance, but I secured my hold around her thighs.

"I would love to go on a date with you." She says shyly.

I laugh and gently cup her cheek. I hear my heartbeat ringing in my ears, and she leans into my hand. We close the gap, and I press my lips against hers.

It only lasted a few seconds, but I knew I was already addicted.

When we separate, she murmurs, "Wait. One more?"

I brush a strand of her hair behind her ear and ask, "You want me to kiss you again?"

She nods with a blush, and I immediately pull her in for another kiss.

"If it wasn't obvious... I like you too, a lot." She mumbles against my lips.

I gently put her down, and she surprises me by tugging on my bottom lip. I squeeze her waist, and she runs her hands through my hair.

She pulls away, looks down, and says, "Sorry..."

I tilt her chin up and see she feels embarrassed. "Don't be embarrassed, Oreo. This," I say, motioning to my whole body, "is all yours." She quietly laughs, and I give her a forehead kiss.

"Enjoy your Oreos, Oreo," I say, winking at her.

"See you at school." She says, waving.

Before I walk away, I sneak in one more kiss. She cups my cheek, and I smile against her lips. "Needed one for the road," I murmur.


Merry Christmas! 🎄

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Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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