(16) Of course I choose you.

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Aria's POV

I continue to stare at the clock and wait for the bell to ring. A million seconds later, it finally rings. I get out of my seat and head straight for my locker. I see Jules already there and smile.

"Hey!" She says excitedly. "Are you nervous?" She asks.

"Of course. This whole day I've just been thinking about it." I say.

"I don't think you have anything to worry about. I'm sure he'll say yes." Jules says, patting my shoulder.

"Take a deep breath." She says calmly. I pretend to hyperventilate, and she rolls her eyes.

"Just pop the question." She says, shoving me in the direction of Aaron's locker. I start to walk toward Aaron but turn around to see if Jules is still there. I see Henry beside her, and he gives me a thumbs-up.

"Stop stalling!" Jules mouths. She makes a shooing motion, and I start walking toward Aaron again.

He shuts his locker and smiles when he sees me. "Hey, Oreo." He says, lightly kissing me.

"Hi," I say softly.

He grabs my hand, and we walk out of the building together. When we get inside his car, he asks, "Did you finish the book you talked about last night?"

I feel my heart flutter and smile. Wow, he was actually paying attention when you were ranting about the characters?

"Yep! It turns out her brother murdered the cousin. There's a sequel, but I haven't picked it up yet." I say excitedly.

We get to my house, and we take off our shoes in the foyer.

He follows me into the kitchen, and I ask, "Do you want some Chips Ahoy?"

"Yes, please." He says, taking a seat on a stool.

I grab the package of chocolate chip cookies and try to calm down. Are you gonna ask him...? Eh... Just do it. What if he thinks it's too fast? Only one way to find out. I should go to the bathroom. You don't need to. You already did.

I turn to face Aaron and make eye contact with him. He gives me the cutest smile, and my heart beats faster. I shove the package of cookies into his hands and step away. Seriously?

"Do you..." I say, trying not to be nervous. Aaron raises an eyebrow, and I swear he's trying not to look amused.

I glare at him and try to finish the sentence. Hurry up.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend...?" I mumble quickly and quietly.

He smiles and asks jokingly, "What was that? I couldn't hear you."

I feel myself pout and groan in frustration. Why is this so difficult? "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I ask, saying the last two words even quicker.

He laughs and brings me into a hug. "I heard you the first time." He whispers into my ear.

"Oh," I say, still wondering if he wants to be my boyfriend.

I let my hair cover my face, and he places every strand behind my ear. He leans down an inch away from my lips. "Yes." He answers.

I feel myself smile and crush my lips against his. Woah, that's a little aggressive. He pulls me closer and rests his hands on my waist.

"Did you actually think I would say no?" He asks, resting his forehead against mine.

"I don't know..." I say, shrugging. He lightly squeezes my hip, and I swear I want to stay in his arms forever.

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