(18) I know something you can snack on.

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Aria's POV

I wake up to my phone vibrating and sit up on my bed. Who would text you during holiday break? I grab my phone off my desk and get back under my blanket.

Aaron 🥰🍪:

Good morning Oreo ❤️

I automatically smile and start typing back.

Morning 🤗
Do you want to hang out today?

My phone vibrates again, and I see Aaron texted back. Welp. Let's see if I've bothered him too many times during break.

I'm never too busy for you
Do you want me to come over, or do you want to hang out at mine?

You come here?

I'll be there in about 10



I walk down the stairs and make myself some breakfast. When I put my dirty bowl in the sink, I see a note taped onto the dishwasher. I open the dishwasher and put the dishes in the cabinets and utensils in the drawer.

Then I go back upstairs to get ready. Are you gonna change? I look down at what I'm wearing and shrug. You can never go wrong with a sweatshirt and leggings.

The doorbell rings, and I quickly walk down the stairs. I almost miss a step and feel my heart stop beating for a second. I think I saw my life flash before my eyes. After I recover, I open the door for Aaron.

He smiles and looks me up and down. "You look cute." He says, stepping inside.

"Thanks," I say shyly. "So... What do you want to do?" I ask.

He looks around and says, "First, I need to do this." I tilt my head in confusion, and he gives me an amused look. Then he leans down and presses his lips against mine. I cup his cheek, and he pulls me closer. When we separate, he keeps his arm wrapped around my waist.

I smile and look up to see his face. "Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask.

"Sure." He says

We settle in the living room, and Aaron sits on top of my lap. "So heavy." I pant, pretending to run out of air.

He flips me over, and I end up on top of him. "I did not see this coming..." I say, laughing.

Aaron lets me snuggle into his chest and then grabs the remote. We look through different lists on Netflix when we stumble upon a movie called 6 Underground.

"Do you want to watch this?" He asks.

"Definitely, Ryan Reynolds is one of the best actors ever," I say.


After we watched a few movies, we migrated to my room. I'm reading a book on my bed when Aaron sighs. Is he okay? Aaron turns his head and whispers something into my ear.

"I have no idea what you just said..." I say, not taking my eyes off my book.

He leans in and whispers again. I turn and ask, "Wha-" but before I can finish, Aaron brushes his lips against mine.

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