(11) You can watch me all day if you want.

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Aria's POV

I walk into class with a smile on my face, and Aaron gives me a confused look. "Uh oh... You look happy." He says with a grin.

"It's spooky season," I say excitedly.

"Don't tell me you still go trick or treating." He says with an amused look. Cute. Shut it.

"Of course I do. I get free candy just by walking. It's time I get a reward for exercise." I say, sitting down.

"Don't tell me you go to Halloween parties instead," I say.

He gives me a sheepish look, and I roll my eyes. "Those parties never have candy," I say. "And I'm usually the person people ask to take group photos. Not much fun."


I meet Jules at her locker, and she says, "Hey, how has your day been?"

"Boring as usual... You?" I ask.

"My homecoming dress came yesterday." She says excitedly.

"Do you have pictures?" I ask.

She scrolls through her camera roll and shows me her screen. It's an off-the-shoulder, knee-length dress with sparkles. "Cute. I love the sparkles," I say.

"Same! At first, I was scared it would look childish, but you can't really tell unless you look closer." She says.

"Do you know what you're doing with your hair?" I ask.

"I'm not really sure. I know I don't want it in a bun, but I do want curls somehow." She says, closing her locker.

"That's a good idea. I'm sure whatever you decide, you'll look beautiful." I say, complimenting her.

She gives me a hug and says, "Thanks Aria." We start walking when she asks, "Are you going to homecoming?"

"Probably not," I say, shrugging.

"Awww, you should. It's our last homecoming." She says.

"Eh, all the homecomings I've been to haven't been the best..." I say sadly. When I realized I had said that out loud, I put on a fake smile and said, "Anyway! I'm probably just going to work."

She doesn't ask me any more questions and gives me a soft smile. "Well, if you change your mind, know that you have real friends to go with." She says.

"Thanks," I say, considering it.

We split up, and I meet Aaron at the lunch line. "What took you so long? I could have died of loneliness." He says dramatically.

I laugh and say, "Jules was talking about her homecoming dress."

"Oh ya, I still have to ask someone to homecoming..." He says, paying for his food. I wish he would ask you.

"Are you going to tell me who this girl is?" I ask.

He turns to face me and says, "Nope."

I pout and say, "Why not?"

"Because." He says, continuing to walk ahead.

"Wow," I say, rolling my eyes.

"I need to figure out how to ask her..." He says, sitting at a lunch table. I sit beside him and start to eat my lunch.

He hesitates for a moment and asks, "How would you want to be asked?"

I finish chewing and ask, "To the dance?"

"Duh." He says.

"I don't know... I've never really thought of it." I say, clearly lying. He raises an eyebrow, waiting for my honest response. I sigh and say, "Fine, I have thought about it, but it's stupid."

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