(14) You better not have other hoes.

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Aria's POV

I wake up to my alarm and groan with annoyance. I reach for my phone and turn it off. Oh, look, you have notifications!

Aaron 🥰🍪:

Good morning beautiful ❤️
Since we're kinda together (right?) Do you want to go to school together? I can pick you up :)

I'd love that ❤️ (We're exclusively dating)
You better not have other hoes 🤨

I wouldn't dream of it
Also, here's your daily picture of Chip and me :)

Adorable 😍 (Chip, not you)

Pain is all I feel 💔

I hear myself giggle and get out of bed. After using my bathroom, I go to my closet to change.


Then I grab my backpack and head down the stairs

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Then I grab my backpack and head down the stairs. I walk towards the pantry and try to grab a granola bar. But when I grab the box, I see it's empty. Guess you're skipping breakfast. Sad.

I start to tie the laces on my shoes when I hear the doorbell ring. Since I'm the only one downstairs, I walk towards the door. I see it's Aaron and unlock the door.

I step out and lock the door. I turn around and say, "Hi..."

He smiles and wraps his arms around my waist. "I missed you." He murmurs.

I tippy-toe to kiss him, and he brushes his lips against mine. "Did you miss me?" He asks, smirking.

We start walking toward his car, and I jokingly say, "Not really."

He grabs my wrist and twirls me around. I automatically pull him closer and press my lips against his.

"Not really, my ass." He says, opening the door for me. I slip inside his car and see an Oreo donut.

He starts the car and hands me the donut. "I didn't know if you had breakfast or not..." He says, scratching his neck.

"You're the best!" I say, biting into the donut.


When the bell rings for lunch, Aaron and I walk toward the cafeteria. We meet up with Jules and Henry and sit at a table together.

"Henry asked me to homecoming over the weekend!" Jules says excitedly.

"Awww, you guys are so cute!" I say, looking at the pictures of his sign.

"Not as cute as you," Aaron murmurs, so only I can hear. I turn to face him, and he winks at me. I lightly blush and bump my shoulder against his.


Aaron parks inside his garage, and he opens the door for me. Once we're inside, we take off our shoes and head to his room.

Before we walk up the stairs, I see Chip running towards me. "Hi, Chip!" I say, carrying him up the stairs.

He barks and then snuggles into my arms. Aaron leads me toward his room, and I sit on his bed. Aaron sits at his desk and spins around in his chair. He's adorable.

"Do you want to do something?" He asks, looking at his Wii console.

I smirk while lying down and say, "I have one thing in mind we could do..."

He gets out of the chair and walks towards me. Oh shit, what is he doing? Chip jumps out of my arms and runs out of the room. How dare he?

Aaron hovers above me and pins both of my wrists above my head. "Wii Sports is a good choice too..." I whisper.

He chuckles and leans down to kiss me. He bites the bottom of my lip, and I moan into his mouth. He places kisses near my neck and releases my wrists. I immediately tug on his hair, and he groans.

He stops kissing me and leans into my hold. "Damn, Oreo." He says, breathing a little heavier. I roll over so he's not on top of me and grin at him.

"Wii Sports?" Aaron asks, propping his elbow for support.

I nod, and he wraps an arm around my waist. I snuggle closer into his chest and relax in his arms. Safe and cozy, huh?

We stay in that position for a few minutes until Chip returns. I try to pet Chip, but Aaron traps me in his hold. I playfully roll my eyes, and he kisses my forehead.

Chip hops onto the bed and starts sniffing around us. We finally grab Wii remotes and start playing. The first game we play is tennis, and I, of course, beat Aaron. I love being in his presence, especially when you kick his ass.


"I'll see you tomorrow," Aaron says, hugging me.

"See you," I say, opening the door. Before I can fully get inside, Aaron grabs my wrist. I laugh and turn around.

"What do you want?" I ask, pretending to be annoyed.

He pouts, and I tippy-toe to kiss him. He wraps his arms around my waist and presses his lips against mine.

When we separate, he leans his forehead against mine and smiles. "Is it okay if I pick you up tomorrow?" He asks shyly.

"I have no problem with you doing that every day," I say, laughing. His whole face lights up with an adorable smile, and I can't help but hug him.

"See you tomorrow," I say, stepping into my house.


Happy new year! 🎊🎉

Thanks for reading! ❤️

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Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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