(12) Sorry, I got a weird feeling for a few seconds.

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Aria's POV

I wake up to my alarm and immediately turn it off. I glance at my window and see the light escaping through the blinds. That's weird. It's usually not that sunny at 6 am. Shit! Did I snooze my alarm too many times?

I grab my phone and look at the time. 11:00 am! I check to see the date and see it's Saturday. I feel myself smile and hit myself with my pillow. Why are you happy? I'm hanging out with Aaron. Eeeeeeeee! Ahhhhhh!

"Ano yun?" I hear my dad shout. (What was that?) Haha, you were screaming out loud.

"Nothing," I shout back.

I get out of bed and decide to brush my hair first. After what felt like an eternity of untangling my hair, I walk down the stairs.

I make myself some cereal and watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine on my iPad. Then I go back upstairs and start to get ready. After I brush my teeth, I change out of my pajamas.


I keep my hair down and grab the papers I need to study

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I keep my hair down and grab the papers I need to study. I put them all in a folder and then grab my phone. I see I received a text 5 minutes ago, and it says Aaron is on his way.

After I slip on a pair of shoes, my dad asks, "Saan ka pupunta?" (Where are you going?)

"Aaron's. I said we have that test to study for..." I say, waving my folder.

The doorbell rings, and I open it. "Hi," I say, smiling at Aaron.

"Ingat." My dad says. (Take care.)

We walk towards his car, and he asks, "Are you hungry?"

"Always," I say with a laugh. "You have something in mind?"

"Do you want Mexican food?" He asks.

"I like quesadillas," I say, grinning.

He opens the car door for me and says, "I know just the place then."

He starts his car, and I put on a random playlist from my phone. Once we're inside the restaurant, a waiter leads us to a booth with chips and salsa.

"Welcome to Le Mesa. What drinks can I start you guys off with?" He asks.

"I'll have Mountain Dew, please," Aaron says, looking through the menu.

"And for the pretty lady?" The waiter asks with a wink.

I slightly chuckle and say, "Lemonade, please."

"Coming right up." He says, walking away.

I glance at Aaron and see he's glaring in the waiter's direction. "You good?" I ask, confused.

"Sorry, I got a weird feeling for a few seconds." He says, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Okay, weirdo," I say, laughing.

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