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Law's smirk turned into a sick grin and Rosaline felt a shiver run down her spine. However, she felt her blood boil to fight and adrenaline pumped throughout her system. She had a feeling that this battle would entertain her more than others had done in the past.

"You're going to regret that decision, Miss. Roo-" Law gasped when she suddenly appeared next to him and swung her sword towards him. He barely blocked the attack with the unsheathed part of his large sword.

A shockwave echoed from the clashing of the swords and the sea trembled at the amount of energy that was released in each swing. Law was just as surprised and he struggled to block her strong attacks. He gritted his teeth and managed to throw her back.

Rosaline spun in the air and landed gracefully in a stance, her sword pointing dangerously towards the male. Her eyes were sharp and her movements were flashy. That was all until she heard a cry of her title and her eyes widened.

"Stay away, you idiots!" Rosaline yelled back at her team who stopped abruptly at the door of the submarine. Their eyes widened when they saw a familiar pirate and their faces paled while Law smirked at their reactions.

They immediately regretted their decision to come after their Captain and shivered slightly. The way Law was looking at them sent shivers down their spines and they immediately knew that they were in grave danger even with their Captain standing in front of them.


Rosaline's eyes widened and she barely had time to block another attack from the pirate with her haki, but she was the only one who could block the attack. She heard the exclaims from the three males behind her and saw them all cut up into pieces.

Her eyes were wide in horror at her cut up crewmembers and she thought they were dead for a brief moment. Her anger exploded in her veins when she saw Law smirking with malice as he toyed with her crewmembers' body parts.

"Captain!" They exclaimed as their body parts floated in the air and Rosaline's eyes shadowed themselves. Her hand trembled slightly and Law could see her sword shake. He smirked at her reaction before seeing her sheathe her sword.

"I'm the one who beat up your crew and stole your submarine. If you want to fight someone, I'm right here." Rosaline stated in a low tone and Law's brows twitched slightly. She wanted to fight him after she sheathed her sword? He didn't understand her at all.

"It doesn't matter, you're all marines and you're on my sub. It's only natural that I would try to protect what's mine by eliminating everyone in my way." Law stated, his own voice low and dangerous while he held out his hand.

Rosaline suddenly spun around and shot her hand out towards Law. His eyes widened when he was pushed off-balance and was almost pushed off the submarine. He looked back at Rosaline and saw her hold her palm outstretched towards him with her eyes narrowed.

"Change of plans. I wanted the reinforcements take you out but I'm taking you out here and now. There's no way I'm letting you live after you cut up my men or escaped from the island," Rosaline stated in a monotone and Law's brows furrowed at the female in front of him.

He saw her cut crewmates pale at their Captain and knew something was up. The way Rosaline suddenly changed in attitude and the force that suddenly pushed him back told him that much. "I-It's over! Captain's going all out!" Law heard and watched as Rosaline's fists turned into hard armament.

"Justified Fury, the strongest armament in the Navy! Captain Rosaline Bloodmoore's true strength!"

Law's brows twitched and just as he moved his hands, Rosaline attacked him. He gritted his teeth and twisted his fingers. "Shambles!" He vanished from his previous position and Rosaline saw a small piece of debris appear in front of her instead.

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