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They were worried.

Bepo, Shachi and Penguin were the only people sitting around the round kitchen table. All three of them had bothered facial expressions with deep frowns. Their heads were laid onto the wooden surface and they stared at each other.

"It's been three days..." Shachi grumbled out and let out a heavy sigh. Neither of them felt lively and they were all in a depressed state. They didn't know if they could take more of the tensed atmosphere that lingered all around the submarine.

"We haven't heard her voice once..." Penguin said next and also let out a sigh. His eyes were slightly shadowed by the hat he wore but he could still see his two comrades. He had a peculiar longing look in his eyes along with the other two.

"We haven't eaten her cooking once. I'm running out of ideas what to make everyone," Bepo stated and the other two males glared at the bear. Their eyes twitched in annoyance and wondered how he could think something like that in a dire situation like the current one, they didn't know.

"THAT'S NOT THE POINT!" They both yelled at the bear and he immediately apologized while his head fell onto his chest. "DON'T APOLOGIZE!" Their screaming only made him apologize even more before they both let out sighs.

"This is no time for us to argue anyway. We need to find a way to get Rosa-chan out of her room. It's been three days since she went in there and she hasn't come out even once. Not even to talk to Captain," Shachi said as he brushed passed his annoyance.

"This thing must've really hit her harder than we expected. I'm really worried about her," Penguin said in a concern tone and the other two nodded. They didn't know what to do in this helpless situation. Even if they did try to do something they didn't know if it'll work.

"Captain's also worried but he hasn't done anything yet. I guess he's giving Rosa-san some time to deal with the news..." Bepo trailed off and the other two's frowns deepened. Since Rosaline kept herself in her room, Law hadn't been in an ecstatic mood.

They all knew it was hard for Rosaline to accept the sudden news of the Navy but they didn't know what upset her the most. The fact that she had a bounty or that the navy had changed so much. Either way, she was having a difficult time to cope with it all.

After all, she was once a marine.

"That's it! I can't take it anymore! I'm going to get Rosa-chan out of her room even if I have to drag her out!" Shachi exclaimed as he shot up from his chair and the other two gave him confused looks. They doubted that he could do it.

"How exactly are you planning on doing that, Shachi?" Bepo asked and the red-haired male gave the polar bear a wide grin. Bepo and Penguin exchanged an unsure glance with each other before they looked back at Shachi.

"We'll get Captain and the rest to help us! Remember that thing we wanted to do for Rosa-chan when she officially joined the crew?" Shachi tried to remind them. Their eyes widened as realization of Shachi's plan made it into their minds.

"That's a great idea! Let's get Captain!" Penguin stated with a wide grin as both he and Bepo stood up. This plan might just actually work but even if it didn't, no one could say they didn't try. At least it was worth the shot.

"I'll go get Captain. You two get the crew together and get those things as well," Bepo ordered as he took control of the situation and the other two males nodded. They didn't mind the orders at all and followed them without hesitation.

As long as Rosaline got out of her room, they were happy.


Inside Rosaline's room...

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