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"This is exhausting! How do women do this shopping thing without ever getting tired, Bepo?" Rosaline asked as she let her head fall towards her chest, her eyes closed in her own exhaustion and her feet were aching from all the walking.

They had been shopping for hours on end and she merely managed to get a few things that should last her for a while. However, they had to travel to many stores to find something that suited her and her criteria.

"I don't know, Rosa-san. I haven't gone shopping for clothing with a lady before so this is all knew to me." Bepo murmured and Rosaline gave him a sympathetic look, knowing the bear was also exhausted from all the activity they endured.

"I'm done for today so what do you say we get something to eat? I still have enough for something to nibble on and something to drink. Besides, I wouldn't want you starving because of all the shopping," Rosaline stated and Bepo's face lit up at the thought of eating.

Rosaline chuckled softly and heard a small growl coming from her own stomach. She rarely ate but after all the exercise she did, she was famished. Her arms were also starting to hurt from the bags she carried and her feet were screaming at her in protest.

They managed to enter a bar before they both sank into a chair at a table in the furthest corner. A bartender was immediately at their table and they placed their order before he nodded and left them to enjoy their solitude.

"I wonder what happened to Captain and the others." Bepo suddenly said and Rosaline's eyes widened when she remembered how they lost the rest when she dragged the bear to the flower store. She let out a sigh and felt her heart drop in her stomach.

She enjoyed being Law-free. She hadn't thought about him even once during the shopping spree. Unfortunately, she knew that it would only be a matter of time before he could pop up again. Damn, pirate.

"He's probably chopping up a few people for his sick mind while the others pack up the supplies they were ordered to get. I just hope they bought enough food because you all eat a lot. You have my sincerest sympathy that Law had to cook for you." Rosaline shook her head with a sympathetic smile.

"Captain wasn't the only one who cooked, but he was the only one who didn't burn the food. His just didn't taste all that good." Rosaline blinked a few times as she analyzed his words. She was aware that the bear didn't like insulting his Captain but he knew Law's food was terrible.

The bartender arrived with their drinks and Bepo was surprised to find that the female in front of him actually drank alcohol. He had thought that she wasn't the drinking type. However, she surprised him a lot today and one more surprise was not going to make him any more shocked than he already was.

"Oh, Rosa-san, I almost forgot to ask you. Did Captain talk to you about being our musician?" Bepo asked and Rosaline almost chocked on her drink. She coughed a few times before she looked at the bear in surprise.

Did she hear him right? Musician? Where did this come from? She had so many questions buzzing through her thoughts and so little answers to any of them. The only time they could've possibly heard her sing was when she cooked. Even so, Law asking her to be their musician?

She didn't expect that.

"No, this is the first I've heard of it. Why would Law want me to be your musician when he likes the quiet time in his infirmary? You're not the party type pirate crew anyway," Rosaline pointed out and Bepo shrugged.

"Captain just mentioned your singing the other day and I heard something about a musician." Bepo explained and Rosaline's brows furrowed. This was new information to her and she hadn't anticipated something like this to happen.

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