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Rosaline hated pirates.

She thought and said it many times before but she never meant it as much as right now. She was agitated, tremendously irritated and her body ached everywhere. Her whole body was sore from the battle between her and Law.

The worst was her bruised hand that she used to hit Law through his face. She rarely snapped like she did but when she did, she never used her haki. She always went in blinded by rage and it always resulted in her being injured.

Rosaline cursed mentally when she felt a pulsation in her bruised right hand and she could see it fade into a blue color. It was the only pain she felt because the other injuries consisted of scratches and scrapes.

She honestly thought that Law would inflict more physical damage, but he was...different. His whole Devil's Fruit ability made his fighting skills differ from the other people she fought. It frustrated her to no ends when he used his abilities to teleport and he managed to catch her off guard.

Whenever he made that strange dome, it was as if her senses dulled and his senses heightened. It was his domain and one was rendered useless when he casted it. However, the worst part was the counter shock attack he used against her.

She never felt anything so painful in her life and if she did, she hoped that she would never feel that pain again. Even all her training with Kizaru wasn't as painful as that was but she believed Law would have the same thoughts about her shockwave.

It was one of the most painful techniques one can endure and it was a special move she invented by releasing a large amount of concentrated haki. Who needed a Devil's Fruit ability when you had enough haki to wipe out an entire town?

Rosaline let out a sigh and rested her cheek on her left hand's palm while sitting against a cool wall inside the bunker. It was dark and she liked the darkness but it also seemed to be a bit much for someone who was always outside.

Despite being slightly bothered by the cramped space, her attention was drawn elsewhere. She wondered how Law managed to figure out that his submarine was being stolen and how he managed to get there so quick.

There was a limit to how big he could create his dome and Rosaline noticed it. She managed to notice everything about his techniques. It was something she always did to look for any form of weakness to win.

She noticed that every time he made such a dome it was smaller than the previous one and that he was quickly drained of energy. He could also chop people up and cut out their organs without them dying as long as the dome was formed around them, which was the most disturbing part of his ability.

She shivered slightly when she remembered how he almost crushed the heart of one of her team members and hoped that he was safe. She saw Law return their bodies to normal but she didn't trust him.

After all, he was a pirate and a doctor, the only other thing she didn't trust besides a pirate. She disliked doctors and not because they knew about diagnostics, medicine and surgical techniques, but because she saw too many of them throughout her life.

The worst thing about doctors is that you never knew if they did the right or the wrong thing because they do everything behind closed doors. They had the authority to do what they wanted and when they wanted to do it in their infirmary rooms. Who were you to stop them?

Rosaline let out an exasperated sigh and leaned her head back against the cold wall behind her. It was quite a strange feeling being a prisoner to a group of pirates she set out to capture and she could feel it was a large chunk in her pride.

There goes my 100% execution rate...

"W-Wait! Y-You got all those injuries from a woman?!" A loud voice exclaimed and the statement reached Rosaline's ears. She couldn't believe that someone could talk so loudly and she would've found it extremely irritating if she didn't find the statement amusing.

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