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10 years ago...

The day started out sunny with no clouds in sight in the bright blue sky above the small island. It was a peculiar island with strange flowers. However, in contrast with the brightness outside, darkness was lingering somewhere else...

"Mom! What's happening to you?!" Thirteen-year-old Rosaline exclaimed as she ran in next to her sick mother who lay on a small bed. Her red hair was long and reached below her back while her blue eyes shimmered with panic.

Her mother coughed and glanced back at her daughter with a sad smile. She reached out her hand and Rosaline caught the hand before bringing it to her face. She could already feel her mother's hand was cold and extremely pale.

"I'm not going to be here for long, Sweetie. My time has finally come and Mom needs to rest." Her mother stated softly, sadness gleaming in her eyes but the girl refused to listen. She shook her head while trying to keep the tears at bay.

"Y-You can't go! Who'll take care of me just like you do? Who'll be there for me? I don't want to lose you!" Rosaline exclaimed and tears slowly started to cascade down her cheeks. Her mother gave her a small smile despite her own tears that started to collect in the corner of her eyes.

"I want you to be free, sweetie. I want you to find your Father and make amends with him. He'll take care of you," Her mother replied and the redhead's eyes widened at her statement. She frowned deeply and the tears stopped flowing.

"I'd rather stay here with you than go find him! He was never there for us, Mom! We needed him to help you... I needed him!" Rosaline's tone was bitter and her mother frowned. She didn't want her daughter to think badly of her father.

He was already saving her life by staying away and not have any contact with them. If others would find out that he had a child, they would come after Rosaline and it would mean great danger. She just needed to swallow her pride and find her father so he could keep her safe.

Her mother knew the real reason behind her daughter's sadness. It was her fault, but she couldn't risk it. She couldn't risk her daughter's life. Not now, not ever. It would only be a matter of time until her faithful promise was broken.

"Please, promise me that you'll find him and promise me that you'll make amends. I don't want you to hate him. Promise me," Her mother pleaded and painfully coughed, making the girl's tears flow once again.

"I... I promise... But first I'll get strong enough! I'll get real strong and protect you even against sicknesses!" Rosaline declared and her mother gave her a soft smile. She rubbed the girl's cheek with her thumb, the girl leaning into her mother's touch.

"That's my girl. Get as strong as you can be and know that I'll love you as long as the stars are above you. I'll always be in your heart and always be with you as long as the sea is bound to wash up on the sand... My Little Rosa..." Her mother's voice trailed off before her eyes closed and her arm went limp.

Rosaline's eyes widened and she tried to catch her mother's hand but it slipped away from her grasp. Her tears fell freely while she started to tremble and hugged her mother's ice cold form. She could still feel her touch but her heartbeat was gone.


End of Flashback


Rosaline stared at the sky, the wind blowing harshly passed her. Her old tears dried up from the sudden breeze, but new tears fell from her blue eyes. She felt a nostalgic feeling of despair wash over her and touched her cheek with her left hand.

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