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This was a bad idea, a very bad idea.

For the first time it wasn't Rosaline's bad idea but the crew's bad idea. To make matters even worse was that Law agreed to the absurd idea but he didn't plan to involve himself. No, he'd rather watch from afar than join in the fun.

It didn't sound so fun at all but Rosaline had an idea that she was going to enjoy what was going to happen more than anyone else. After all, she enjoyed competing against anyone and she always wanted to win until now.

"Listen, guys. I don't think this is such a great idea," Rosaline said as she stood in the doorway of a large living room. She watched as the males bring in a few barrels of sake and the rest were already warming up with a poker game.

They were planning to have a party just before they reached Saboady Archipelago to get everything ready for the Fishman Island. That wasn't the problem. The problem was that they were not only planning to drink until the morning came but they were planning to play card games as well.

Dangerous card games.

"Why not, Rosa-san? I thought you said that you loved to drink and have a good time," Bepo pointed out as he put down a barrel of sake and everyone's attention shifted towards her. Rosaline's eyes widened and she shook her head, waving her hands in front of her.

"No! I mean, yes, but..." Rosaline trailed off and tried to think of a way to argue with them. She could already feel that this was not going to end well with the crew being drunk. They weren't party people but then again, they were pirates who did irresponsible things.

"You're not going to win this argument, Rosa-chan. Besides, I've got to beat you in poker so you can't back down!" Penguin challenged as he pointed his finger at Rosaline. She stared at the male and her eye twitched slightly. He was honestly still going on about losing his first poker match.

Rosaline glanced back at Shachi when he put a hand on her shoulder and shook his head. Rosaline let out a sigh and her shoulders slumped in defeat. This was one argument she was not going to win and it was almost depressing that she couldn't win it.

"For someone who loves partying, you sure look unhappy, Rosa-ya. Did having a hangover turn you off on having fun?" Law's voice reached Rosaline's ears and her eyebrows twitched furrowed at the voice. Of course, Law had to make a comment.

He was the instigator to all of this. He was the one who suggested that they hold a party before they went to the Fishman Island. Though, Rosaline was sure that he wasn't going to join in as much and keep an eye on his crewmembers.

Then again, Law was an unpredictable person and Rosaline had an idea that he was scheming something with this celebration. She just didn't know what it was but it couldn't mean anything good. At least she could handle her alcohol but she worried about the others...

"No, I'm used to having to deal with hangovers. However, these guys..." Rosaline looked worriedly back at the crewmembers. Shachi and Penguin smirked at her statement and she raised an eyebrow. They crossed their arms over their chests and chuckled.

"Don't you think you're underestimating us a bit too much, Rosa-chan?" Shachi asked and gave Rosaline a smug facial expression. She stared at him blankly. looking at Penguin who snickered in amusement as well.

"You might not have ever seen us drink but how do you know that we can't handle our alcohol?" Penguin stated and Rosaline's brows furrowed. They had a point. She hadn't seen them drink once, except that time where she performed at the bar. It reminded her that they didn't take their beer lightly that time.

Maybe she was wrong about them not being able to take on their alcohol. She only had one way to find out whether they were lying or whether they were actually telling the truth. It would be an interesting night.

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