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The splitting pain that pierced through her head was unbearable but it was only for a few moments that she could feel it. After that, her body turned numb and her body became limp. She could barely register that she was falling and that there was nothing she could do.

" Sham...bles...!"

Rosaline heard a muffled yell in her half-conscious state. Despite her groggy mind she recognized the gruff voice almost immediately. She could feel her body falling the one moment and then being caught in a pair of strong arms the next.


Rosaline's eyes slowly fluttered open, blurry vision struggling to come into focus. It took her a few moments to blink away the fogginess of the figure looking down at her. She was barely able to make out the male's features before her brows furrowed.

"Law?" She managed to croak before her eyes widened at the grey eyes that stared back at her. They looked panicked and his unsurety flashed through his orbs. Rosaline had no words to utter, her mind still out of it.

She found her body's strength slowly returning to her. She made movement to stand but Law held her tightly, making sure she didn't move as he checked her pulse. She noticed how warm his hand felt against her cold skin.

He scanned her figure as he made sure that there was no visible injury. He couldn't catch sight of anything suspicious except the cold and paleness of her skin. Her lively blue eyes even dimmed out and was finding difficulty to focus.

"When did you get here?" Rosaline asked the only question that came to mind in her confused state only to then realize that if Law hadn't been there she would've fallen to her own death. Law saved her life.

Law reluctantly put her down gently, his hesitance not going unnoticed by Rosaline. She managed to find her balance and stood up without any help. It was strange. She could feel all her strength returning to her.

"Right when I saw you fall. You're lucky that I made it in time. What were you thinking coming up here when you didn't feel well?" Law scolded her, his frown deep and his brows furrowed. He was angry that she was being irresponsible and that she had nearly died. Was she that desperate to get out of his crew?

Rosaline wanted to glare at him for the underlined accusation but found that she didn't want to. Her own thoughts were still racing from what happened. Instead, she let out a deep sigh and ran a hand through her spiky hair.

"If I felt sick, I wouldn't have even come with you. It wasn't on purpose. It was just...sudden," Rosaline murmured and avoided eye contact with the male. He was putting her on the spot and scolding her. She didn't like it one bit.

It was ironic that he suddenly cared for her safety since he was the one that made her join the most unsafe pirate crews. She wanted to list a whole bunch of other reasons but Law was quick to interrupt her.

"What happened that made you fall down from here?" Law asked and despite the dangerous tone of voice, a faint hint of concern came through. She glanced back at him and instantly regretted it when she made contact with his hardened gaze.

"I... I just felt lightheaded. It's probably since I didn't eat anything this morning," Rosaline quickly excused and wanted to shift away from the uncomfortable gaze. She wanted to walk past him to run from his gaze but he forcefully grabbed her arm.

"What are you hiding from me, Rosa-ya?" Law asked and Rosaline found her pulse involuntarily quicken against his fingers. Even so, she managed to glare back at the male. The feeling of him holding her arm to stop her from walking away was almost too nostalgic for her own comfort.

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