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Daybreak came early the morning. The first light of the day rose from the horizon from beyond the deep sea. The light lit up the island and the town and those who weren't already awake, were woken up by the sun's greetings.

Rosaline observed the sunrise from the small balcony outside her room, her eyes shining as the light reflected from within them. She already changed into a comfortable pair of black shorts with a dark brown buttoned up shirt. One of many from the clothing she bought the previous day.

She was awake from early the morning. As per order, she treated her hands and wrapped them gently with bandage. The salve that Law gave her was incredibly effective. Her hands had healed and the fractures were gone.

However, she still applied it for only one more day before she finished with it. She couldn't wait to use her fists again. She had a feeling that she would end up in a fight somewhere along the line. Especially with the other group of pirates who were on the island.

Rosaline only hoped that there wouldn't be any marines present or it would be quite a problem if they recognized her. Just in case, she was prepared. She managed to buy a pair of glasses as well as a hat she could wear and she even bought a wig if she was forced to wear it.

She didn't want her crew or anyone to know that she had become a traitor towards the World Government and if it reached Sengoku... She knew her death was near. Kizaru wouldn't leave the matter unattended and hunt her down until she was executed.

It was a grave crime to become a pirate after one sworn to justice to be a marine and death was the only punishment that could be enough. Even if she was locked away in Impel Down, she wouldn't fear the torture but then again, she didn't fear death either.

Rosaline let out a sigh and briefly, closed her eyes as a draft brushed passed her. Her spiky red hair was ruffled by the breeze. She opened her blue orbs, her eyes averting towards the ground. The sun's rays finally reached her balcony and lit up her physique.

Luckily, they don't know who my Father is... Rosaline thought before she gritted her teeth and felt anger rising in her veins. She may be able to escape death if they caught her and throw her in Impel Down but if they found out whom her father was, her death was certain.

She would die because of unwanted blood.

She never wanted the blood of her father. That damn blood that pumped through her veins. She had wished from time to time that she had a different father or no father at all. After all, her mother was the only parental figure she had when she grew up.

Her father was never in the picture.

Rosaline was snapped out from her trail of thought when she heard a knock on the door, the sound of the door creaking open reaching her ears. She didn't bother to glance back. She could already sense who the person behind her was.

"What do you want, Law?" Rosaline asked and heard the male stop in his tracks. She could feel his hard gaze on her body and knew that it would only anger her more if she glanced back. She figured that he would stop by to scold her about her actions of the night before sooner of later.

Yet, he didn't.

"The crew insisted that you join them to go sightseeing in the forest and go to the hot springs," Law answered her in his usual gruff tone. Rosaline glanced back at the male with a raised brow before her breath caught in her throat.

Law wore a dark blue top that had a yellow colored emblem of the Heart Pirates on the front and wore his usual spotted pants. However, it wasn't that that caught her attention. It was the fact that he wasn't wearing his spotted hat. For the first time she could take in all of his features.

Unwanted BloodWhere stories live. Discover now