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Somewhere in the New World...

"Boss! We got today's newspaper! You won't believe what happened!" A voice belonging to Lucky Roo exclaimed as he ran towards his red-haired pirate. The Captain groaned from his hangover and he tried to hide his eyes from the awful sunlight.

"What is it? You know that I have a headache and yet you yell like that," Shanks growled at the large male and dared to glance up. Benn took the paper that Lucky Roo handed him gasped as his eyes trailed over the article, his cigar falling out of his mouth as he did so.

Shanks found his usual calm collected first mate's actions shocking and quickly scrambled to his feet. He fought off the wave of dizziness that washed over him and he came next to Benn to get a better look at the piece of paper.

It was a wanted poster...of Rosalie.

"What is it, Boss? Whose wanted poster is that?" Yasopp asked as he watched the shocked facial expressions of the two pirates. Shanks grabbed the wanted poster and a large grin broke loose on his face.

"We've got something to celebrate! My little girl has a bounty! 500 000 000 Beli!" Shanks yelled with a proud facial expression and the other men exclaimed in shock. They wanted to scold him for not being concerned over the fact that she was exposed but refrained from doing so seeing him smile.


"H-Hey, you need to worry a bit too, Shanks!" Benn told the red-haired male who was already drinking despite his hangover. He sweat dropped at the male and let out a sigh while letting his shoulders slump at the male's behavior.

"Don't worry about it, Benn! Rosalie's going to be just fine...I'm sure about it!" Shanks said with a wide grin and Benn's face softened slightly. "Now drink! We're celebrating until morning comes!" Benn chuckled at the Captain and rolled his eyes.

"B-But Captain! It's already morning!"

"Until tomorrow morning then!"


Another unknown place, the New World...

"That damn Trafalgar did it again... What the hell is he up to?" A red-haired rookie growled as he stared at the wanted poster of the new female. He frowned deeply once again when he read her large bounty and found it irritating as to how a female could have a higher bounty than him.

He had never even heard about this wench before and now she was in the newspaper with a bounty of 500 000 000 beli! It frustrated him to no end that she had such a high bounty but what frustrated him more was the fact that Law had her join his crew.

He hated to say it, but he found himself green with jealousy. The Surgeon of Death got himself one hell of a woman by his side while he, the pirate captain of the Kid pirates, still sat in the New World killing where he went.

He didn't have a female like that by his side and by just taking in her features he wished that he had. A thought crossed through his dark mind and a sick smirk made it onto his features. A dark chuckle escaped his lips and his first mate glanced down.

"What are you going to do, Kid?" Killer, his first mate asked with his other top members standing behind the Captain. They all waited for the Captain to say something and heard the red-haired male huff, his smirk never faltering.

"What the hell do you think I'm going to do? I'm going to wait for that bastard until he enters the New World and steal his woman. She's a valuable prize and if she could get a high bounty like this after doing nothing, think how dangerous she could be," The Captain replied and chuckled darkly.

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