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Early the next morning Rosaline found herself sleeping soundly. Enjoying the bliss of unconsciousness. She was engulfed by comforting warmth and she didn't want to move at all. As long as she could stay asleep like she was currently, she was content.

However, like all good things, her sleep came to an end and she slowly started to wake up. A frown came onto her lips and her brows furrowed. She snuggled deeper into the warmth in a way to try and get her sleep back but it didn't really help all that much.

Especially when her head started to pulse.

She groaned in annoyance of the sudden pain and her brows scrunched together. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and was luckily met with a semi-dark room. Despite the small light that came in, it wasn't enough to make her wince.

Rosaline lazily yawned and tears formed in the corner of her eyes. She blinked them away before her vision started to settle, making her eyes widen. She immediately knew where the warmth was coming from and wanted to hide away her embarrassment.

She lay on Law's exposed chest with her head and his arm was snaked around her. He held her close to him and she noticed that he did so in his sleep. His breathing was shallow and he had a peaceful facial expression.

A small smile came onto her lips but it was quickly replaced by a frown when her head pulsed again and she scowled at her headache. Was it too much to ask for a morning without a headache? She didn't drink that much the previous night! Did she...?

She let out a soft sigh and her eyes fell onto Law's well sculptured abdomen. She noticed that she had her arm on his stomach and swallowed thickly. She couldn't believe that she actually slept like this, for a second time now.

However, each time Law was the one who was first awake but now she was the one who was awake. It gave her the time to take in his tattoos and touched the outlines of the heart on his chest. He didn't stir at all, shocking Rosaline. How deep did he sleep?

It was one of the larger tattoos he had on him and the other tattoos he had were on his arms, hands and fingers. For the first time she wondered what each of them actually meant. She had never thought of it before and made note of it to ask him later on.

The heart and the syllables that spelled 'DEATH'...

Rosaline thought of getting a tattoo before but never actually followed through with the decision. She hated needles and wanted to avoid them as much as possible even if it meant that she would never get a tattoo.

It must've hurt... Rosaline thought to herself and stopped trailing her fingers over the heart shaped tattoo. She glanced back up at Law and saw his brows twitch slightly showing his discomfort. She felt his grip on her tighten slightly and frowned.

She wondered what he was dreaming about and her mind went back to where he told her about his past. He hadn't gone much in detail with his past but it was enough for her to feel angry for him, especially the part where the brother killed his own blood.

For a brief moment she was reminded of her own past and remembered that she wanted to hunt down her father as well. However, Rosaline never killed him or even fought him like she wanted to. He was the only family she had left...she would never kill him.

Then how could that pirate do that?

Law stirred again and Rosaline snapped out of her thoughts. She looked back up at Law who lazily opened his eyes. Grey eyes met a pair of blue ones and a smirk came onto his lips. Rosaline returned the smirk and gave him an arrogant look.

"About time you woke up, Law. I was starting to think that you'll sleep until noon. As your personal teddy bear, I wouldn't possibly make it until then," Rosaline stated and Law chuckled. He barely woke up and she already had her sharp tongue lashing out.

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