What Is Love

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Song: What Is Love by Haddaway

November 4, 1993

It's karaoke night at Patty's. Eddie and his friends often find themselves there on Thursday nights. This time is slightly different. Not only has Greta joined the group, but so have Richie and Ben and even Linda.

Eddie had told Richie about it several times. Considering everything that happened, Richie thought it'd be a great idea to get Eddie out of the house and out with his friends. Eddie hadn't even gone to school. He insisted they stayed home for one more day. It worried Richie seeing him like that. Luckily he seems back to his normal state. At least for now.

The group piles into Patty's, quickly taking a few booths over by the stage. It seems they're not the only group of teenagers either. This doesn't shock them, though. It is quite the hangout spot.

It's pretty busy, but they don't mind. In fact, they enjoy when it's crowded on nights like this. It means more drunks to make fun of. They often act like judges and give the strangers all their own scores. It's nerdy, but they enjoy it. Hopefully the new four will enjoy it as well.

A man is currently shaking his hips while singing 'Take On Me.'  He has a beer bottle in his hand, which makes everyone snicker. They bump Eddie's shoulder slightly. He almost always sings it when they're there. He knows he's not good, but that's not what karaoke is about.

Richie slides into a booth, Eddie right behind him. Greta sits on the other side of him with Linda at her side. She eyes him comically, though he doesn't know. He's far too caught up with Richie. That's how it has been lately. They were inseparable.

"Excuse me." Richie says politely, making Eddie, Linda, and Greta scoot from the booth. Greta sighs, though everyone knows it's playful.

Eddie eyes him. He wonders what the boy is plotting. Soon Richie is back with a large smile. Eddie smiles back, even if he knows that his nerd is up to no good. "What did you put down?"

Richie's smile only increases. Eddie sighs dramatically and pouts before scooting into the booth once again.

Soon enough they've all placed their orders, leaving them to sit back and enjoy the shit show. They all watch as adults and even some kids their age stumble around, screaming the lyrics. Even Ben came out to sing 'Call It What You Want' by the New Kids On the Block. Each of their tables erupted into cheers. Especially Beverly.

But soon both Richie and Eddie's name are called out. The tables cheer all over again. Eddie blushes furiously. He wasn't aware that Richie had placed his name as well. He hasn't got anything prepared.

Richie only smiles and leads the way onto the stage. A crowd of people rest below them, staring expectantly up at the two. Eddie searches Richie's eyes for any kind of hint.

But soon a familiar beat is playing and Richie Tozier is singing directly to him with a shit eating grin taking over his face. Eddie blushes all over again before taking another look at the crowd. He gulps, taking the other microphone from the stand. He knows this song. Oh shit, he's knows it all too well.

"What is love? Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more." Richie starts off, only for Eddie to jump in immediately after.

"Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more."

Richie is surprised to see him take the lead with such confidence. "What is love?" The two sing together.

Richie stands back awkwardly while Eddie parades the stage. Just as he always does. That's the thing. Richie might try to embarrass Eddie, but it won't work. Not here, at least. After all, this is Richie's first. Eddie happens to come here every Thursday. All of the usuals and workers are used to this behavior.

"Yeah yeah!" He circles Richie with a smirk.

"I don't know why you're not fair. I give you my love, but you don't care." He continues on, now directly singing to Richie. He sways his hips to the rhythm before taking a few steps towards the other.

"So what is right? What is wrong? Gimme a sign." Soon Richie comes down from his high and joins Eddie. The two are only centimeters from each other. Their noses barely brush over before Eddie backs away abruptly.

"What is love? Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more!" Eddie looks out to the audience now, still dancing. In the distance he hears his friends cheer.

"Don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more!" Richie becomes transfixed all over again.

There's a music break now, which Eddie seems to get very excited about. He grabs Richie's free hand and continues twirling himself around and underneath. Richie just smiles while singing the second verse. He doesn't know what to do with himself. Watching Eddie in all his glory seems like the much better option. Especially since he's been through so much already. He's glad to see that the night out is working.

The boy's singing gets quiet now. Richie finally gains the confidence to wrap his arms gently around the smaller one's waist. They stare to each other and only each other while singing the last of the chorus. Eddie's fingers have even caressed their way into Richie's hair.

"What is love?"

Their friends go absolutely bonkers. The cheers and claps of the wild crowd consumes the entire restaurant. Eddie worries they might be kicked out, but then decides that kicking out some of their regulars might not be too good for business.

As for the rest of the crowd, some cheer and some stay silent. But that's to be expected when two boys sing a love song in small town Derry in the nineteen nineties.

They're about to leave the stage, but Eddie quickly kisses his boyfriend's cheek. He then takes Richie's hand and tugs him along after making sure the microphones are safely back in their stands. He doesn't want to recreate the sophomore year debacle. His friends still haven't let him live it down.

"You guys aren't worried?" Stanley raises his eyebrows before sipping back down on his straw. Bill smacks his best friend's arm, earning a snicker from Mike, who sits across from them. Beverly, Ben, and Greta are eyeing them differently, though. Everyone worries for their friends.

"We have nothing to hide." Eddie shrugs before eating the tray of apples they brought out for him. Richie steals one which earns him a smack from the boy.

"W-we wish you g-g-good luck." Bill steals a cheese fry from Stan's tray. Stanley of course smacks his hand away.

Oh how similar the duo is to them.

Eddie and Richie furrow their eyebrows. Did they really not think it through? Nothing has ever happened before, why would it now?

"Good luck for sure. Some of the older men did not look happy about that performance." Greta sucks in a breath.

"Well fuck them." Richie grunts before leaning back into the booth. Eddie does the same.

Both have an unusual pit in their stomachs.

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