Moving In

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Song: I Think We're Alone Now by Tiffany

December 15, 1993

"I'm going to miss seeing your stupid face every night."

"I'll have to sneak over soon." Richie gives his boyfriend a playful smile while bringing another box inside.

Eddie huffs while following behind, a box also in his hands. A few of their other friends are there too. Mike, Greta, Stan, and Bill all unpack and fold clothes. Beverly and Ben apologized for not making it, but with everything going on, the two understand.

The house is empty besides the group of misfits. Dave and his wife, who Richie had only met for a short period of time, are picking up their daughter from the airport. Apparently she'd just gone on some big trip with a few of her close friends. Richie didn't pay much attention to the details. All he knows is that she's supposedly his age.

A pair of small arms wrap around Richie's thin waist. The taller leans into the touch while letting out a content sigh. "I'm excited for your new room. It's much bigger than your last. Not to mention your own bathroom?"

"It's not exactly my own. It connects with Dave's daughters. I do, however, have my own sink and my own rack in the shower."

"More than I have! Plus your closet is huge."

Richie shrugs. The two fall back into step, side by side. "It's not like I have the clothes to fill it. Not to mention you take everything I own."

"And I'm not sorry about it. As for the extra space, I will be keeping a tiny closet for myself there." The two enter the room and watch as the rest of the group struggles to put the bed together. Eddie simply turns away and bounces towards the closet after setting his box to the side. "I'll take this much. What do you think?"

"You could have the whole thing and I wouldn't care."

Eddie gasps. "Awe. It can be like my own personal house."

The two are pulled out of their own word by Stanley's frustrated voice and annoyed expression. "Hey! Lovebirds. Do you mind helping with this shit?"

Eddie rolls his eyes, but proceeds to move his feet towards everyone else. Richie does the same. The smaller one yanks the construction manual out of Stanley's hands, which only results in the other scoffing. "Well no wonder. You have that thingy upside down?"

"Huh? Give me that!" Stanley takes it back before looking slightly closer.

Eddie just waits as he taps his foot. Stanley continues to read until his face finally softens. "Oh yeah you're right."

The entire group huffs, obviously annoyed. But they continue to turn the frame around until it finally fits in place. "I can't believe we just wasted thirty minutes of our life because we're too dumb to read a simple manual." Greta leans against the wall.

"T-t-technically Stanley was the one in con-control." He winks, which only results in his best friend blushing and rolling his eyes.

Eddie twirls over to the stereo, pumping it even louder. "Now for the fun part! Decorating time!"

The teenagers look around at one another with smiling faces. The closet is organized, the dresser is loaded, and the bedsheets are made. The only boxes that remain are the ones filled with various knick knacks and posters. Eddie prays it'll look more put together than last time.

Everyone now dances across the room, hanging and taping whatever is in sight. Posters, letters, drawings, concert tickets, and more litter the walls in a neat fashion. It's really coming along quite nicely. Richie is glad he has the type of friends to help with such tedious tasks. The best part about it all is that he didn't even ask. When the teens found out one of their best friends would be moving, they wanted to know what they could do to help.

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