Bad Days Come

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Song: Mayonaise by the Smashing Pumpkins

January 12, 1994

This is the moment Eddie's been waiting for. It's what he's been training for.

This is the moment.

His stage makeup is set and his costume is ready.

This is the moment.

And yet Richie still hadn't shown.

Eddie doesn't let this small factor get to him. This is his future. This is his time.

This is his moment.

Julliard recruiters are right behind the curtain. They're all over the audience. Not just them, but so many more. This isn't just a competition. This is an audition. This is a chance to prove to not only them, but to himself. He's good enough. He's worked too hard to let everyone down now.

He can do this.

Soon his name and number are being called out. He jumps a bit to try and shake the nerves before entering the stage. Then he smiles to himself. He uses every emotion he has to his advantage. Every bit of excitement, nervousness, and even anger.

Then the lights hit his face and everything comes into place. It fits together. This is what he's made for. This is what he loves. And so he keeps moving.

Towards the front is his mother and all of his friends. Even Richie's family had made it on time.

But not Richie.

There's even an empty seat where his face should be. But where is he? Why isn't he here? Eddie's been going on and on about how much this meant to him.

Maybe Richie doesn't really love him at all.

But little does he know as he glides across the stage, that his true love might be facing his own battles.

Yes this is Eddie's future life on the line, but this is Richie's present life.

Everything feels numb. He's not sure if it's an injury or the fact that he's unable to see Eddie's biggest performance for the next few years. However, he does know a few things.

He can't move.

He can hardly see.

And Eddie is still moving without him.

Moving. He should really try to move. But anytime he tries, he fails. His eyes glance around in a frantic state, but everything still seems out of place. The world seems a little turned around.

Perhaps even upside down.

He tries not to think too much on it. Instead he focuses on the flowers that sit in the seat next to him. Though it doesn't look like much of a seat anymore.

His heart beat is through the roof as everything fades back into view. The situation becomes a little less hazy and a little more real. That's when the real panic begins.

Richie tilts his head just enough to see himself in the cracked mirror. His entire face is red due to the blood draining downwards. He wonders if anyone even knows he's out here. He wonders if he'll ever see Eddie again.

He lifts a hand to his head and begins to feel. Nothing seems out of place. Nothing feels too wrong. A little light headedness, but that's to be expected in a situation like this one.

Still he panics. How could he not when he's been flipped upside down? When the love of his life might be dancing his heart out with no support from his boyfriend in sight.

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