Welcome To The Loser's Club

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Song: Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears for Fears

September 12, 1993

Richie is terrified. His stomach is filled to the brim with nerves. He's not sure why. Yes, he has social anxiety, but it's not like he's never seen these people before. In fact, he's gone to school with them since they were four. They'd even had a few conversations over the years.

He tries to give himself a confidence boost. He shouldn't be so nervous over something so silly. But he can't exactly help it. Luckily Ben will be there. This eases his mind somewhat.

Not to mention Eddie will be there. He promised to stay right by his side no matter what. But he fears this might not be the case. These are Eddie's best friends. He's bound to bounce over to them at some point.

Richie isn't even sure why he's being dragged to this mess. Eddie says it's because he wants to mix their friend groups. He doesn't understand why Eddie would want that. Richie and Ben aren't exactly the coolest guys out there. Sure, Richie hangs out with Eddie. And sure, Ben hit it off with Beverly. But the two are anti social, awkward, and complete nerds.

Eddie walks deeper into the woods. Richie follows close behind, taking in his surroundings. It seems that they've paved their own path due to the beat up grass and branches long gone from their trees.

"We're almost there." Eddie turns his head over his shoulder to get a better look at Richie.

Richie's nerves hit him all over again. "Are you sure this is such a good idea?"

Eddie stops dead in his tracks. "Of course. Why would you think otherwise? I've told them all about you. They're going to love you."

Richie gulps. Eddie notices how his hands slightly shake, so he makes it his duty to help out. The boy takes the large hand in his own and tugs encouragingly. Richie's eyes widen in surprise at the action. His nerves calm down, but his heartbeat increases. Eddie is holding his hand. And he's not letting go.

Unfortunately they're there all too soon, causing Eddie to drop the boy's hand. However, Eddie doesn't miss the frown that forms from the lack of contact. He smiles at this knowledge.

Richie looks around the clearing, wondering where the hell Eddie has taken him. "Is this is a trial or something? Do I have to fight Ben to the death for a spot on the team?"

Eddie laughs, suddenly realizing that Richie has never been there. "What? No!"

Richie watches the boy open a latch and jump in. His eyes widen and he hurries to find him. He's down on all fours, peeking over the edge. There a group of rowdy teens, including Ben, stand. They look to Richie and laugh, motioning him in. Richie does as he's told and drops through.

"What is this place?" Richie questions, fully taking it in. There's a desk, fold up chairs, posters, comic books, snacks, a hammock, and a stop sign?

"Casa de Losers." Beverly falls into a chair.

"The Losers fortress." Eddie adds.

"Castle Losers." Mike.

"S-swaggy Town." Bill smiles.

All of the original losers look to him in disgust before shouting "No!"

"Personally I enjoy Swaggy Town!" Richie high fives Bill.

Everyone else groans. They huddle around Richie, making him shake with nerves. Bill's the first to reach out a hand. "Bill. Nice t-to officially meet you, R-Richie."

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