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Song: Isn't It a Pity by George Harrison

November 24, 1993

The car ride is long and mostly quiet. Richie is bored out of his mind and not even able to hold Eddie's hand, due to him being in the front seat. An older station plays, fifties or sixties maybe, Richie's not too sure. He's also not sure how long they've been driving, but it seems like a lifetime.

Eddie had asked about Thanksgiving after Richie moved in. Sonia was thankfully acceptable of the idea. Seeing as Richie doesn't have family around these parts, or at least none that he knows of. His parents always kept to themselves. The holidays were always bland in the Tozier household.

So now Richie sits in the backseat of Sonia's vehicle, more nervous than ever. He'd never met Eddie's other family members. What are they like? Horrible from what Eddie has said. The boy isn't even sure whether or not Eddie wants to act like a couple in front of the group. He's not sure he wants to do anything until Eddie makes the first move.

It's not just that they're horrible people. Of course that makes this whole thing worse, but Richie doesn't like anybody. The man is very introverted, unlike his boyfriend. He hates meeting new people. Richie always gets sweaty. Maybe he should've brought another shirt.

"We are here." Sonia doesn't sound anymore happy than the other two. Perhaps Richie should've just stayed at Eddie's.

After parking on the side of the road, the three begin to crawl out. Sonia is quick to grab a bag before trudging inside. Richie just stares awkwardly at the neat home standing before him. So many cars. He can practically hear the chatter from there.

"You'll be okay." Eddie pulls on the end of his boyfriend's sleeve.

This pulls Richie's gaze away. Soon his eyes settle on the small, smiling boy. "Are you sure about this? I don't know how to act or what to do."

Eddie shrugs. "I usually try not to talk very much."

The other gives a painful expression. "What?"

Eddie rolls his eyes in a playful manner. "Oh shut it, you'll be fine. Just follow my lead."

The small boy's hands fumble for Richie's collar, which has somehow turned up. He smoothes it down before giving a quick peck to Richie's lips. "And you look handsome." Eddie smiles while taking the last bag from the car.

Richie quickly takes it from him, trying to be a gentleman and all. Sonia brought some sort of casserole, while Richie and Eddie brought their own plates of food. Richie has surprisingly stuck with the whole thing. He's quite proud of himself.

Even if it does make these situations harder. Yes, despite being homophobic and all around rude, Eddie's family also happens to not like "vegan hippies." What a shocker.

The two enter the household and all eyes fall on them. Richie only stares awkwardly back at the group. Eddie, however, simply clears his throat and carries on. The taller only follows behind like a lost puppy. He's not sure if anyone told the family they'd have another guest. Maybe it won't even matter.

Unfortunately this is not the case. Richie is almost immediately bombarded with questions. The first to start being an older woman with large hips and a thick sweater. "Why hello there. Who might you be?"

Richie's not fooled by her sickly sweet voice. He can tell that her eyes are hateful and confused. As are everyone else's. But he goes along with the act. "Hello. I'm Richie Tozier, it's nice to meet you. May I get your name?"

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