Skateboards and Scripts

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Song: Two Princes by Spin Doctors

September 17, 1993

It's been days since the whole party incident. Richie still hasn't brought anything up to Eddie. Not that there necessarily was anything to bring up. Because technically there wasn't.

Oh hey Eddie, I was wondering why you wouldn't make out with other guys in front of me?

The boy cringes just thinking about it. There's no possible way he can bring it up without sounding like a total bitch. Plus, Eddie doesn't remember a goddamn thing. The face he made when he woke up in Richie's arms was priceless. Eddie was so confused, he had no idea where to start. That's how Richie feels too.

It's better to just leave it alone. Move on with life and whatever happens, happens. Besides, Richie's got way more important things. The school musical auditions are coming up in no time.

Richie slams down his script, causing the rest of the Losers to jump in shock. He's just now arriving to the table. Everyone else has taken their rightful place and taken out their lunch. They didn't really feel like going any place.

"You'll never believe it. After months of begging, we still don't get to do Into The Woods. Don't get me wrong, Little Shop Of Horrors is a wonderful show too, but it is no Into The Woods. My dream of being the Baker is crushed now."

"So are you going to boycott it like you said you would." Ben perks an eyebrow while taking a bite of his carrot that he'd stolen from Beverly's plate.

Richie purses his lips. "It's my senior year, haystack. Why in hell would I do that?" The boy cracks his knuckles. "It's game on. I will get Seymour. That's a promise." He immediately dives into the script, highlighting and taking notes.

Eddie eyes him in amusement before carrying on. "Anyways. Does anyone want to go skate with me after school? Sonia's being Sonia and I want some time away from the house."

Everyone grunts at the last bit, besides Ben and Richie. The two are completely oblivious to his situation at home. It's not that Eddie didn't love her. Because he was definitely a momma's boy. Sometimes he just feels suffocated.

"Can't." Stanley and Bill answer at once.

"I'm sorry, Eddie. I told Ben I'd go to the library with him."

"My grandma already asked if I wanted to bake cookies." Mike smiles sheepishly, causing everyone in the group to awe.

Richie's smile widens. "Well I guess I'll have to keep you company then, huh?" His arm slings around the smaller boy, making him roll his eyes.

"I guess so." Eddie sounds annoyed, but the smile shows that he's really not.

"Only if you help me run lines afterwards, though."

Eddie looks up in horror. "Rich, I'm a horrid actor."

Richie waves his hands and shrugs him off. "Pfft. Yeah right! You're good at basically everything. Beverly told me."


Her eyebrows shoot up as she shrugs. Eddie groans. Then he sighs. "Fine."

Richie punches a hand into the air. "Fuck yeah!"

A few tables stare back at them now. A teacher tells Richie to quiet down, which he doesn't. He only becomes more enthusiastic. "So we have a deal then, do we mate?"

Eddie cringes at the Australian, or what's supposed to be, accent. Still, the boy holds his pinky up to the other's. Richie's hands are large, meaning his pinky completely wraps around Eddie's small one.

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