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Song: Thriller by Michael Jackson

October 31, 1993

Eddie waits impatiently for Richie's arrival. He's practically jumping up and down on the concrete slab. Despite the cold weather, Eddie feels quite warm inside. Maybe that's just the excitement bubbling up in the hyper boy's chest. This is Halloween, after all.

His absolute favorite.

When Richie does pull into the driveway he lets out a very loud laugh. Eddie is wearing the most ridiculous outfit ever, yet he somehow pulls it off. A giant pumpkin sweater tucked neatly into a pair of rolled up jeans. Halloween socks of course, and two pumpkin earrings that dangle from his ears.

Eddie bounces over to the car before it's even stopped. He is eager to start the day. Especially since Richie would be taking him on some kind of adventure. Plus he is skipping church, which is rare with Sonia being his mother and all.

As soon as Eddie's in the car he starts punching the air in front of him with a stern look expression. Richie eyes the boy next to him before letting out a nervous laugh. The small boy huffs, turns to meet Richie's gaze, and shows off a wicked smile.

"Happy fucking Halloween!"

Eddie then pulls out a simple black beanie to cover his head. The curls peek out underneath, which Richie finds adorable. Soon he's pulling back out of the driveway and towards the local coffee shop. Though Eddie doesn't know that yet.

Eddie eyes the boy driving and takes in his attire. Plain jeans and a skeleton shirt with a black cardigan overtop. "You look cute."

Richie's entire face turns crimson. "You as well."

"I know." Eddie bats his eyelashes jokingly, making Richie snicker.

"I made a playlist." Eddie is already putting in the new mix.

The Halloween Theme begins blasting through the speakers. Eddie dances along awfully, which sends Richie over the edge. He's extra hyper today. Chaotic, in fact. It's nice to see him so carefree.

"What else is on here?"

"Oh tons. 'This is Halloween,' which I had to get illegally with it being new and all. Have you seen it by the way? Incredible. Absolutely amazing. Top three favorite movie for sure! Anyways oh god, I'm rambling. Sorry." Eddie stops for a breath before continuing. "There's also 'I Put a Spell on You' and 'Monster Mash' and 'Adam's Family Theme' and 'Ghostbuster's Theme' and that one song from Beetlejuice and also 'The Time Warp.' Just the best of the bests."

"Isn't that from Rocky Horror or whatever?"

Eddie hums and Richie continues his questioning. "That's not really Halloween is it?"

Eddie gasps. "I beg to differ."

Richie refuses to add anything more in fear of what Eddie might say. Instead he turns the music louder and watches Eddie out of the corner of his eye, who is now singing the lyrics to the 'Monster Mash.'

Soon they arrive to the little shop and Eddie brightens up even more. Richie's grateful that he gets to see that smile everyday. He hopes for the rest of his life.

Eddie's running towards the cashier and immediately starts putting in his order for something pumpkin, but with a different milk instead. Richie's not really sure. The boy talks so fast sometimes.

Honestly he's so caught up in the boy before him that when it turns his turn, he has no idea what to order. His entire face reddens as the young woman furrows her brows and stares at him through confused slits. Richie wonders if he should even have anything at all. He already tries so hard to keep his ADHD bottled in. It's the complete opposite of Eddie, who is always bouncing around. He wishes he could be like that, but maybe Eddie will rub off on him eventually.

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