Eds is Legal

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Song: You Make My Dreams by Daryl Hall and John Oates

November 20, 1993

Richie had called Sonia a few nights prior to set up the perfect plan. He knew Eddie would be out, which made for the perfect opportunity. The boy also knows what time Eddie wakes. This also helps a whole lot with the situation.

It's eight thirty in the morning and Richie is cooking up the perfect breakfast for his boyfriend. Eddie will be up at nine, which gives him plenty of time. Richie hopes everything is perfect, or at least perfect in Eddie's eyes. This is his eighteenth, and that's a big deal. Eddie is the youngest, not to mention the shortest, so Richie knows how excited he's been for this. He hopes it stays that way.

Richie bought all of the ingredients up in the city. That's also where he bought some of Eddie's presents. Apparently it was a big tradition for the Losers to travel to the city when someone's birthday was coming up. He almost felt bad for the birthday guy or gal, since they obviously don't get to travel along. He understands, though.

The entire house smells of cinnamon now, but Sonia tries not to think on that fact too much. Instead she continues helping Richie make everything perfect for her only son. They tidied up the area, both knowing how much of a clean freak their Eddie is. All that's left is the waiting.

A neatly wrapped present waits on the bar, right next to a not so neatly wrapped one. Sonia had yet to say what she bought the boy, but Richie has a feeling it'll trump his entirely. Somehow that doesn't matter. He'll still smile and probably love it, because that's just how Eddie is. Honestly he's glad he had the money for anything at all. Paying for groceries and gas is hard enough with a part time job. He's practically broke now. Totally worth it.

Soon the time comes. Richie has homemade, vegan cinnamon rolls spread across a tray, along with fruit and water. He almost put juice down before he remembered what Eddie had once told him. He can't stand sweet drinks with a sweet meal. Juice supposedly belongs with foods like hash browns, while water goes with things like pancakes. Richie never thought so deeply about it before, but if that's what Eddie says then that's what will be.

Sonia travels quietly along the corridor, while Richie stomps eagerly to the room. She pushes the door softly, but Richie continues to scream. "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Eddie! Happy birthday to you!"

Again, Sonia's voice travels quietly, while Richie's is obnoxiously loud. The woman gives him a pointed glare before sitting on the edge of the bed. Richie hands over the meal. The sleepy boy shakes the crust from his eyes and gives a weak smile. Richie will never get used to the sight of him waking up. It's angelic.

"You're finally legal, Eds!" Richie wears a cheesy grin.

"When did you get here?" He completely ignores the boy. Eddie's voice is soft and groggy. His lips are pulled into a slight pout.

"About an hour ago. I wanted to do something special."

He reaches out his arms. Richie happily leans down into his touch. "You didn't have to."

The taller plants a small kiss on the side of Eddie's face, resulting in him scrunching up his nose. "I wanted to. Plus, your mom helped."

Sonia waves her arms at the boy. "Oh please, I hardly did anything at all."

Eddie remains quiet now. A smile hangs from his lips, but each can tell that it's not exactly genuine. This sends a wave of confusion and worry through the two. Were they missing something? Had something happened?

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