Bye For Now

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Song: Don't You Forget About Me by Simple Minds

June 26, 1994

The Losers were officially graduated and Eddie and Richie are finally starting their new lives. The two decided to move a month after high school life ended so they could get accustomed to the city.

Richie had finally saved enough for a new car, with the help of his uncle. Speaking of, his uncle was waiting in the fully packed new car. Luckily he was still riding with Eddie. Richie's cousin, Lyla, would be keeping his uncle Dave company. Sonia was taking her own car, accompanied by Beverly and Ben. Lyla and Dave would ride back with them.

They'd rented an apartment two days after Richie and Eddie got their acceptance letters. The two of them began purchasing everything from glasses to soaps to packages of toilet paper. And it was weird. This new adult life would take some time getting used to, but at least they're doing it together.

The entire friend group is just about done moving the remaining boxes into a trailer attached to Richie's vehicle. It was odd. This was goodbye for a little while. Mike and Greta were moving in together. They'd been accepted into a nearby community college. Ben was following Beverly to LA. She wanted to pursue her dream in fashion and she had been given an opportunity of a lifetime. Ben was just along for the ride. Stanley and Bill were both still figuring things out.

"This is so weird." Mike loads the last box.

Everyone stands outside of the cars. No one knows what to say. Stanley's the first to start. "You guys are gonna do great, you know? You'll be okay." They hug and move on.

"H-he's right. Just v-visit." Bill smiles.

"Yeah of course, man." Richie and Eddie take him in their arms.

Mike comes next. He's smiling, but hurting too. "This sucks. I believe in you guys and I'm happy for you, but this sucks."

Lastly Greta. Her eyes are glossy, which confuses them. "Shut up." Is all she says before holding the two boys tight.

"Thank you guys for the best years. For being there for me. Taking me in and supporting me. For loving me endlessly." Eddie doesn't know why he's crying.

Richie starts in too. "And it's not goodbye. This isn't the end. We will all stay connected. We will all visit. We're best friends. That doesn't just go away. We won't let it."

The two boys get in Eddie's packed car. They hold hands and crank the windows down. Dave is the first to drive off. Sonia, Ben, and Bev aren't far behind.

But now it's their turn. They watch their friends doing the wave to send them off. They're all laughing and smiling and shouting goodbyes. It's bittersweet.

But it really isn't the end. It's just the beginning.

Life goes on. That doesn't mean friendships die.

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