One-I learn some family secrets

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 I learn some family secrets



I didn't think that my normal day would turn into a huge mess. In fact, it never crossed my mind that it would change my life. But somehow, with my rotten luck, it did.

            It was an average day at our normal high school, and I was awaiting our ninth grade enrichment class. Enrichment, or gifted, was one of my favorite classes. I loved my peers a lot, and we all got along really well.

            My thoughts were interrupted by the monotonous bell, signaling 5th period. Enrichment time! Upon vaulting myself from my chair and exiting my study hall class, I sped down to Mrs. Bellomel's room with my gifted friends behind me.

We finally, after several minutes of sprinting past teachers, arrived in our classroom. I peered through the door and spotted several of my friends playing mind games and reading books. Sunlight streamed in through the window, which took up the whole wall. I started to perspire as soon as I set foot inside, considering that it was just three days before the summer solstice.

Our gifted class was rather disproportionate in comparison to the classroom that we were in. There were twenty-one of us in a space that was just a little bit bigger than my bedroom.

Mrs. Bellomel seemed quite nervous today, which was unlike her usual poise. Hmmm. That's not good, I thought.

            My friend Jessica skipped up beside me, peppy as ever. Of course, she was a cheerleader. But a very petite one.

            "Hiya, Caroline!" she squeaked with enthusiasm.

            "Hi, Jess!"

            Jessica smiled, always optimistic in times of doubt, and adjusted her dark brown hair. Her electric blue eyes were piercing when you looked at them, and right now, I thought that they would blind me.

            "Okay, guys, take your seats!" said Mrs. Bellomel hurriedly.

            She was starting to scare me, I thought. I had never seen her like this. I nervously twirled a piece of my long, blonde hair around my finger, and sat down next to my best friend, Nellie.

Nellie Lavison was an interesting girl. She was rather intelligent, but could act quite stupid sometimes. In certain situations, she was extravagantly violent towards people and objects. She was about a head smaller than me, but mighty.

Nell also seemed to radiate an aura of joy and hilarity. When she laughed, her deep green 'windows to the soul' would twinkle and shine, her long hair the color of chocolate. And since the eyes are  the windows to the soul, Nellie's windows had sunlight streaming through. In other words, she was a gleeful person.

The mixture of vehemence and euphoria in this girl was what was captivating about her. And that's why she was my best friend.

            I was soon jolted out of my thoughts by our teacher. "Okay, let's cut to the chase. This school is no longer safe for you.  Heck, this state isn't safe for you!" Mrs. Bellomel explained.

            I was dumbfounded. I had no idea why we wouldn't be protected in this small town.

            "Your math teacher, Ms. Banner, is...a monster."

            "Ha! I knew it!" yelled Collin, a funny blonde boy.

            "Collin, she's a threat to your life. I can smell her. She smells like monster. I'm serious. You could be fatally attacked," our teacher said. "You know how you all have only one biological parent raising you now? That's not a coincidence. You are all half human, half Greek god."

            This is a joke, right? I thought. I must' be on Punk'd! Dang it! Okay, bring out the cameras! I waited, looking for Mrs. Bellomel to start laughing, but a solemn expression was plastered on her face. Nope, not lying. I was so confused, which was unlike me. I usually understood everything. Then I thought about what she had said about parents. I lived with my dad, and had never met my mom. But I preferred not to talk about him. Same with almost every other gifted kid, except for those with step parents.

"But Greek gods aren't real!" the rational side of me exclaimed. "They're myths!"

"In fact, they are real," replied Mrs. Bellomel.

"But it doesn't make sense!" I argued. "How could-"

I was cut off by Mrs. Bellomel's explanation. "Sometimes, when the gods come to earth, they hook up with mortals. The children that they produce from these affairs are called demigods. That's you. They usually have ADHD and dyslexia, meaning you have battlefield reflexes and can read Greek."

            Suddenly, there was a burst of blinding white light, so bright that you'd think we were on the sun. It glowed brighter and brighter, until it disappeared as soon as it had come.

When my vision returned to normal, I saw that kids were gasping and pointing above each other's heads. I curiously looked above my own head, and spotted a glowing grey owl.

            "What's going on?!?" I shouted.

            "You have just been claimed, all at once," our teacher said gravely. "And I now have to take care of over seven demigods, with a monster in our midst."

I gazed around, and kids all around the room had symbols glowing in the air near their head. Jessica had a lightning bolt. Dean, a funny trickster, had a caduceus. How'd I know what that was? Collin had a golden bow and arrow. Nellie had a flower. A skull was above kindhearted Grant, one of my best buddies.

            Mrs. Bellomel whipped out a pen and paper and started to jot our signs down.

       "What does the owl mean?" I asked.

            "It means that you, Caroline Green, are a daughter of Athena."

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