Fourteen-Nellie breaks a table

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Nellie Breaks a table

Morning came, and it brought lots of discussion over the dreams. We each explained our dream detail for detail and it turned out that we had had the exact same dream last night. It had had the same effect on each of us-bone chilling terror. I shuddered as I recalled Eris's mellifluous voice. So elegant, yet it was as creepy as Hades.

            "We need to do some research. The cloaked figure is the god from the myth that saved us-the one about the god that got trapped in a jar. I'm going to go down to the lobby and use the computer. You guys can get dressed and go to breakfast. I'll catch up with you," I announced. I had woken up screaming at about five thirty, and couldn't fall back asleep. I took it upon myself to get dressed and wake the others up at six.

            My friends nodded at me, and I took off for the lobby. I was dying to figure out who the unknown god was, but I didn't realize how that god's identity would start a huge conflict.

            I rode down in the elevator, and after pressing a few buttons, the doors slid open. Dashing out the door and almost knocking a man over, I sprinted for the computer for guests. Some hotel staff members were scolding me not to run, but I ignored them, which was unlike me. I was usually not ignorant. But these circumstances were different.

            I reached the Dell computer quickly, and clicked on the internet icon. I began to impatiently click the mouse repeatedly until multiple windows of the internet appeared on the screen. Clicking on one, I hurriedly typed in, "Greek myth about god in jar" and hit enter. The Google search was being quite slow, and I got spazzy, so I shook the computer monitor and patted it, cajoling it to work faster.

It turned out that in my rush to get information, I had typed in "Greek myth about god in bar", instead. I chuckled lightly at that, for Google listings of bars came up on the monitor. Shaking my head, I inputted the correct phrase in the search box and clicked on the first result. It was the myth I was trying to find. I skimmed through the paragraph, searching for a god's name associated with "trapped in jar". When I found what I was looking for, I gasped out loud. The name I read was Ares. He was an Olympian! Oh gods. This was trouble. We could have a huge quarrel form the Olympians this way! Those arguments usually turned into full blown wars. We had to hurry, before Eris caused any more trouble. We had to go to Olympus.

            I ran like a cheetah to my friends, who were chatting and eating breakfast. Jumping up and down in front of the table, I yelled, "Oh my gods! Ares freed Eris!"

            "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Say that again," Nellie said, not quite comprehending what I was telling her.

            "Oh-kay," I teased, talking very slowly. "Ares freed Eris."

            I heard a bang, and the table we were at was smashed on the floor. My gaze shifted to Nell, who blushed and protested, "Whoops. It broke. I was just a little surprised."

            "Oh, you call that surprised? Way to go, Captain Obvious."

            Nellie frowned. I felt kind of rebellious today, and I had no idea why. I guessed that my defiance was getting the best of me, so I decided to retreat a little. Nell seemed upset.

            "I'm sorry. I didn't know where that came from. I was feeling odd today. I guess I just lashed out at you," I apologized.

            "It's okay," she replied, accepting my apology. "But seriously. I smashed that table because of what you just told me. We have to get to Olympus and tell the gods the whole story."

            I hadn't even realized that Grant was still here until he said, "Yes, we do. And we better hurry. Before they start to get angry at each other."

            "We have got to leave. Now. Grab a muffin or two and get in the car. Grant did well last time we drove a long distance, so he'll drive again. But we don't know where Olympus is, so we need to go to CampHalf-Blood first," Nell stated. I smiled at that. We'd get to go home. But we would need to make haste. I hoped Olympus was close to camp.

            We darted out to the red Maserati, surprised that it hadn't been stolen yet. I buckled my seatbelt with a click, and as soon as Grant slammed the gas pedal down, we were off. Headed for home, just where I needed to be. But after home, we were going to Olympus. With the quarrelsome gods. As that idea came into my mind, I had one thought about it: Oh, crap.

            The car was whooshing through the warm desert air, and I shut my eyes so I could hear the whisper of the wind. I was so jovial; I just inclined my face towards the sun with a hint of a smile on my face. Feeling salubrious, I drifted off to a satisfying slumber, with no melodic, eerie voices in my dreams.

            *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *

            I felt a tickling on my shoulder as I slept. That's when I remembered that it could be a spider on me, and I immediately jumped five feet in the air and screamed bloody murder. Severe arachnophobia had disadvantages, I discovered, when I looked up at Nell and Grant, who were cracking up before me. I flashed them each my worst death glare and they instantaneously shut up. Ha. I was getting good at my death glares, I thought.

            "You guys! That was mean," I complained, folding my arms over my chest. "You know I'm terrified of those creepy crawlies!" Not using the word "spider" helped a lot.

            Nellie was the one to courageously speak up. "Well, we stopped here at this rest place, and we aren't halting for a while after this. So if you need to 'relieve yourself', go now. Grant's going to fill the gas tank up. I'm going to go. Wanna come?"

            I reluctantly dropped my grudge, and ran with her to the main building. The bathroom was repulsively filthy and worn, with many clogged toilets. I resisted the overwhelming urge to dart away, but I really had to go to the bathroom. We'd been driving for four hours it seemed, by looking at the sun.

            I quickly washed my hands after "relieving myself", as Nellie said it, and stole a glance at myself in the mirror. I was looking cleaner than yesterday, as the Holiday Inn's shower was useful. Before then, my hair had been matted, my arms and legs covered in dried blood and scabs. The marks of battle were still ever present, but my appearance was tidier, with my hair redone in a ponytail, and all of the crimson residue washed off. I smiled, and the blonde girl in the mirror grinned back. Nellie was ready to go back outside and get going, so we ran back to the car, our footsteps pounding on the pavement.

            "Vamanos! Everybody, let's go!" Grant called, mimicking Dora the Explorer.

            Nell and I chuckled, and got in the car. Our automobile sped off, with me looking back at our place of departure. Everything had been going fine until I suddenly doubled over, losing my bearings. Everywhere I looked was black. I screamed in fear. What the Hades was going on?

            Beginning to panic, my heart palpated unusually fast, and beads of sweat formed on my forehead. Suddenly, I was completely unable to do anything. I couldn't screech, couldn't move. A vision was projected into my mind. And of course, it was the woman. The one with the mellifluous voice and the creepy smirk. The woman that had tried to kill me.

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