Epilogue: Five Months Later

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Five MOnths later

            “Alright, everyone! Stop talking, or I will give you TWO detentions!” Our teacher was yelling at us, yet again. If you haven’t deducted it from the way she regards us, she kind of despises the gifted class. Actually, she REALLY despises us. Well, what goes around comes around, so her hatred comes right back at her in the form of 21 high school sophomores. It’s not such a good situation for her, since all of us were demigods.

            Behind me, I heard a groan. It was an understandable action, since we were all getting screamed at. I turned around to see who was making the noise only to see my favorite sixteen year old son of Hades. He had grown to about 5’ 10” in the past few months and still had the same dark hair, olive skin, and deep brown eyes. Grant shot me a smile and then glared menacingly at the teacher. 

            “DO YOUR WORK! Why are you all so smart but so LAZY?” our teacher screeched at us. She continued to yell at us about all of the things she thought that we did wrong, which were all untrue. We did our work; she just refused to answer questions. We would respect her if she respected us.

            Suddenly, Caleb, whom we had not the faintest idea of how he qualified for enrichment, darted out of the classroom, looking back at us with a goofy grin. He peeled off into the hall, and in the midst of all of her yelling, our oblivious Language Arts teacher didn’t notice. We were stunned and amused. I almost burst out laughing.

            “Um, Miss Webman? Caleb just left. I mean, he ran out of the classroom!” announced Nellie, voicing our concerns.

            “I DON’T CARE WHAT CALEB DID! DO YOUR WORK!” She shot us the death glare with black, beady eyes, and after a few minutes of silence, left the room. Probably to hunt down Caleb. We all rejoiced after she had left.

            “Okay, guys. Let’s cut to the chase. This is the day that we’ll put these demigod abilities to use,” Jessica said. “When she comes back, we should ambush her, overthrowing this crazy woman once and for all!” Everyone hooted at her declarations in agreement.

            “Gods, sometimes I think she’s a Fury or something!” I stated.

            “So when she comes back, everyone just get her with your demigod awesomeness. I’m using my sword!” said Jessica, producing her lethal blade. All of the other gifted kids pulled their weapons out, too. “I guess you’re all with me!”

            Of course, with our luck, Miss Webman reentered the classroom at the most inconvenient time for us, when we all had our weapons out. She shrieked at the sight of the celestial bronze, immediately extending her bat wings. Wait, I thought. Bat wings?!? I had been right before, just throwing my ideas out there. Miss Webman, our Language Arts teacher, was a Fury. It wasn’t really that much of a shock to me.

            Miss Webman quickly developed all of a Fury’s features and was growling or hissing—whatever sound a Fury makes—at us. And once again, Jessica and Grant were the targets of the monster. The rest of us looked on at the developing battle, much like our first on Half-Blood Hill.

            Jessica’s demeanor this time was much different from when she had last handled a beast. She was trained and prepared, ready to kick butt.

            Grant, as always, was looking intimidating and knew how to handle his blade. My tall best buddy was also ready to kick some serious behind. He and Jess readied their weapons and lashed out on Miss Webman. That was the only time I had ever pitied her. Her slaughter would hurt.

            Jessica struck first, a swipe at the Fury’s neck. Grant followed up, trying to hit her in the stomach. Miss Webman screeched and raised her sharp talons in defense, throwing Jess backwards and knocking over chairs. But instead of lying slumped against the plain, ivory wall, she rose quickly and charged again, shaking her disorientation out of her head. The Fury was surprised. Before, this daughter of Zeus would have been too weak to get up. Now, with her training, she could now fight better than ever before and keep going.

            During all of this, Grant had managed to sneak up behind the cackling Fury. She had paid attention to Jessica for about thirty seconds, but that was enough time for him to stab her in her hideous back. It was a déjà vu moment for me. The same exact thing had happened when Grant, Nellie, and I had fought Lamia on the train.

            “Caroline, Nellie, you know what I mean when I say that I just found backstabber’s true meaning,” Grant said, echoing my thoughts. He grinned at me, his brown eyes twinkling with delight as the monster evaporated into dust. The kill was quick and easy, much different from our first few battles. We were now monster killing machines.

            “Um, guys? It looks like Miss Webman has friends,” stated Nellie, looking out the window, clutching her weapon. She was ready to fight the next creature that came near her. “Empousai.”

            All of the gifted demigods were ready to go, hoisting their weapons up and cheering. The moment felt pretty awesome, considering that I was about to charge into battle with all of my friends by my side. For once, we were confident that this victory would be ours, with all of the training that we had received.

            I stole a glance at Nellie, who had a feisty gleam in her eyes. She spotted me gazing at her and trotted over into my vicinity.

            “You ready?” I asked her with an eager smile on my face.

            “I was born ready. I’m Demeter’s kid, remember?”

            A deep, familiar voice came from my other side, one that soothed my slight anxiety. “I’m ready too. Hades made sure.”

            I grinned and turned my head to face my friend, accidentally whipping Nellie, with my blonde ponytail. “Well, what are we all waiting for? Let’s go!” He patted me on the shoulder, smiled at Nellie, and ran by my side as our class sped toward the monsters. Dean led the way, along with Collin, bow at the ready. Jess had her sword drawn and looked rather fierce for her size. Her blade pierced the window, and we all ran out into the brisk January afternoon. We were supposed to be in fourth period right now, which had made me laugh.

            The beautifully grotesque empousai loomed ahead, hair flaming, red eyes gleaming with bloodlust. But we weren’t afraid. Together, we felt pretty invincible. So there, in our high school parking lot, we battled the empousai side by side, working as a team to defeat the monsters. We had each other’s back, literally and figuratively (I battled back to back with Grant and Nellie). We would even take a knife for another classmate. In fact, Dean did. He saved Jessica from being stabbed in the back by taking the blade to the leg. He had sacrificed his life for her, which proved our trust of each other. But Dean was fine. His wound would just have to heal.

            It sure sounds weird, ditching fourth period for a demigod battle. But who had ever said that our gifted class was average? No one. And I was proud of that.

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