Ten-I throw a coin through a rainbow

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I throw a coin through a rainbow

I was lying on the cold floor of the cave, screaming my head off.

            "ERIS!" I screeched. The goddess who stole the sun chariot.

            Grant and Nellie were jolted awake by my screaming fit. They scolded me for waking them up. Apparently, it was supposed to be my watch. But I had fallen asleep. Yawn. Oh well. I slowly pushed myself up to a sitting position, leaning against the hard rock wall. My buddies had already fallen asleep again, I noticed as I glanced around. Another thing I noticed was that the sky was as black as an oil slick. It was still late night. Well, it was no wonder that they were aggravated with me. I had woken them up at one in the morning, according to my watch.

            I eventually got bored, and began to draw with my fingers in the dirt on the floor. I didn't even notice, but I was writing my name in Greek. I also sketched my dream from tonight. Art was never my best subject, so the goddess Eris was a stick figure and the chariot looked more like a dog. Well, at least I could understand it.

            I continued to doodle until I heard the footsteps. They were too quiet to be those of a human. It was an immortal. I looked up, and that turned out to be a big mistake. It was the woman from my dream. Eris. Goddess of discord and strife. Glancing at my drawing, and back at Eris to make sure that I wasn't going ballistic, she spoke.

            "Smart child," she said with a smirk. "You figured me out. But luckily, your friends don't know. That's why I want to cause a little mischief and kidnap you. Yes, I did steal the chariot. I framed Helios for doing so. Actually, Helios and Apollo were on good terms. But I love chaos, so here I am!"

            I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "But they'll find me!"

            "And walk right into my trap," the goddess finished.

            It was a foolproof plan. They would come looking for me, and get into trouble. And it was all my fault.

"Just come with me, dear," Eris said evilly. She put a hand over my mouth. I tried to yell for help, but Nellie and Grant slept like logs. Also, my cry was muffled by the goddess's hand.

As I tried to scream, a flash of light blinded me. I felt unbelievable pressure, like I was being shoved into a box or something. It got tighter and tighter, but before I could scream in agony, the pain went away. The blinding light was gone. And the cool night air was caressing my skin again. I opened my eyes to complete darkness, except for a faint glimmer of gold in the corner. Apollo's chariot. I would've gasped, but then I realized the gag in my mouth. I looked down at my bound hands and feet. I was trapped, and even anchored to the stone wall. I guessed that I was in another cave in SouthMountainPark.

Thinking back to my friends, I had a plan to notify Grant and Nell of the situation. Eris was mysteriously gone, and I seized the moment. I remembered the gold drachma in my pocket, and looked to the horizon. The sun was rising. Perfect timing.

Using my teeth, I somehow maneuvered my way to the drachma in my shorts pocket. The coin had that yucky metal taste, but I didn't care. I was ready to toss it.

"Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah CHOO!" I sneezed. It was muffled, but it still created the effect needed to carry my plan through. The sunlight passed through the cloud of nose residue, and created a rainbow. Eew. A nose rainbow.

I chucked the drachma with my teeth into the rainbow, saying, "Oh goddess, accept my offering." Sure enough, Iris came through. I said a silent prayer to the rainbow goddess.

"New-ee nd Grant," I said through my gag.

Iris must've heard me, because soon, my friends were in the rainbow, and awake. I had used it right. Thanks, Annabeth.

"Nell!" I yelled.

She whipped her head around, her brown hair flying and smacking Grant square in the face. She muttered a sorry to him, and started to ask questions.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!?" she screamed.

"I buz bidnabbed by Emis!"

"What? Take the gag out of your mouth!"

"I can't!" I said. That was one of the few statements she actually heard.

"She said that she was kidnapped by Eros," Grant interpreted.

"Stupid Cupid!" Nellie yelled.

I shook my head. "Mo! Er-is!"

"Oh. Wait, you were kidnapped?" Grant asked.

"No duh, stupid!" Nell turned to him and teased, whacking him on the side of the head.

"Okay, Care, we're coming. What's going on?" He asked desperately.       

Suddenly, Grant's concerned face disappeared, and the connection was cut off. I hadn't gotten to tell them everything. I was helpless and alone, but if I showed Eris my weakness, it'd be the death of me. I couldn't cry. I was better than that. I was a daughter of Athena. I could do anything. But even though the prophecy said that we would succeed, I didn't know if it would be correct. Because we seemed pretty hopeless at this point.

With nothing to do, I thought about the other gifted kids. Maybe one of them was in a situation like this. How would they get out of it? Tori would fight. Brandon would tinker. Isabel would persuade, as a daughter of Zeus. I wasn't good at any of those things. Except fighting. But what I was known for best was my mind. And I wasn't going down without using it.

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