Three-I meet some new siblings

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I meet some new siblings


I stared in awe at the extraordinary camp ahead. The ocean glistened, and there were kids sparring, their swords drawn. Some campers were trying to get up a climbing wall, while lava trailed them. I was going to like it here, I thought. Tons of room to be spontaneous and adventurous. Well, all ADHD kids are spontaneous. Oh well. Beats me.

            Kelly took us for a tour of CampHalf-Blood after I recovered. I just took a square of ambrosia, the food of the gods, and my pain was alleviated immediately.

Kelly showed us the cabins, one for each god, and the dining hall. She also showed us the arena, where sword battles took place, the amphitheater, and the stables. Then she sent us to find our cabin. I was cabin six, Athena. I walked with Nellie, since cabin four was right next to my cabin. We were trying to make sense of the whole demigod thing, still.

            I bounded up the stairs to my cabin and knocked. A girl, about seventeen, stared back at me. She looked just like me-blonde hair, grey eyes, but hers were greyer and more intense. She smiled.

            "I see we have a new sibling," she called out to her cabin mates. They all replied excitedly. "Oh. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Annabeth Chase, Athena counselor. And you are..."

            "Caroline Green," I said, finishing her sentence. "I'm fifteen."

            "I remember when I was fifteen...I went on a quest that year. To Daedalus's Labyrinth," my new sibling recalled.

            "Did you see monsters? Like the hellhounds we were attacked by?"

            "Yeah. Wait, you were attacked by hellhounds?!?"

            "Yep. I got out scathed, but not too badly. My friends Jessica, a daughter of Zeus, and Grant, a son of Hades, were the ones that were hurt. But why them?" I asked.

            "Children of what? They're children of The Big Three! Big Three kids' scents are stronger, so they naturally attract more monsters. But how-"

            "Wait. The Big Three meaning Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades?" Annabeth nodded, and I gave her a look which meant, "Explain".  She got my implication.

"There was a pact between the Big Three after World War 11, a pact that they agreed to. It was an agreement not to sire any more children, but obviously, they broke it. They made it so that their demigod children wouldn't be able to fulfill The Great Prophecy and overthrow them. Zeus was said to have one demigod child. But two? And Hades never broke the pact, according to the Olympians. I guess he did, though. Watch out for your friends there," said Annabeth. "How are they doing?'

 "I don't know of their condition. Jessica was able to zap the hellhound somehow, and some guy named Percy helped Grant out." I said.

            "Oh! Percy's my best friend," she replied, smiling. "And since Jessica is a daughter of Zeus, it's normal for her to manipulate lightning. I'm confused as to how she did it though...she's a newbie! My other best friend, Thalia, is a daughter of Zeus. Jessica will be meeting her, I presume."

            "I believe so," I told Annabeth.

            "Well, come on in and meet your new siblings."

            I walked inside the cabin, and I knew this place was perfect for me. Bookshelves stocked with novels lined the walls, and blonde kids were walking around, some talking intelligently, and others reading. A boy about Annabeth's age came up to me, and introduced himself as Malcolm. He was nice. Another girl that looked like me said hello.

            "Hi, what's your name?" I asked her.

            "I'm Maeve. Who're you?" she responded, grinning.

            "I'm Caroline. I'm fifteen."

            "Me too!" said Maeve.

            Yes! I had a sister my age!

            "How long have you been at camp for?" I asked.

            "Since I was nine. I come every summer," she replied. Wow. I tried to process what was happening, and the result of this was a lingering silence.

Maeve broke the ice. "Wanna go to the beach?"    

"Sure!" I said. On that note, we promptly strolled down to the shore. The cool sand felt great on my feet, and the setting sun glimmered on the Sound, like sparkles rippling in the waves. We talked about our favorite things, our families, and a whole bunch of other stuff until we walked right into a tall girl, who looked like a football player. She was brawny, with long brown stringy hair, and a nasty look in her eyes.

            "Watch it," she growled.

            "Έρρε εζ κορακαζ!" I covered my mouth with my hand. What had I just said? I wondered. But I knew what I had said, though I hadn't when it came out of my mouth. I had just told that intimidating girl to go to Hades-in Greek. She scowled at me, looking ready to beat me to a pulp.

            I thought twice about opening my mouth to speak again, but I did anyway. "Who are you?"

            "That's Clarisse, daughter of Ares." Maeve replied, on cue.

            "We need to 'initiate' the new kids, don't we?" Clarisse said with glee.

            "Clarisse, don't. You remember when you tried that on Percy? It didn't turn out so good for you, did it?"

            "Watch me." And with that, she put me in a headlock. I was thinking of what to do while I had my neck having the living Hades squeezed out of it. That's when I realized how easy it was to get out.

I used a burst of my energy to twist my body enough to be able to put my left arm in front of Clarisse's chest. Then, I jutted my leg out so it would reach behind her legs. And lastly, to finish my plan, I thrust her backwards with my outstretched arm and sent her plummeting to the ground after tripping her over my legs. Her arms flailed as she fell, and she hit the floor with a thud. Clarisse looked baffled, and was surprised even more when I put a threatening foot on her chest. I flashed a cocky grin.

For good measure, I slapped her hard across the face, leaving a prominent crimson mark where my hand had struck her cheek. Clarisse was seething with anger by now, but managed to barely control herself.

            "Athena kids..." Clarisse muttered with rage. I could sense the astonishment in her voice too.

            Athena was my mom, so wasn't it fitting that I thought about my battle strategy before executing it? I was still smiling when Clarisse threw her hands up in the air in frustration and stomped away.

            "Wow. That was good," Maeve said.

            "Thanks!" I blushed. All you have to do is use your brain, it's not that hard. Athena would be proud to hear that.

            "Let's head back. It's almost dinner."

            "Sure thing," I replied.

            And with that, we skipped off to the dining pavilion, feeling victorious.

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