Nine-I have a bad dream

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I have a bad dream


My eyes fluttered open to an eerie silence. All I remembered before passing out had been Nellie screaming next to me and Grant-where was Grant? I felt like my legs were jelly, but I still got up to look for him. Grant had been trapped under the car last I'd seen him.
            I rushed over to the car, and was shocked at the sight. Grant was lying, unbreathing, under the wreckage. His eyes were closed, and there was dried blood all over him. His dark hair was matted, and it looked like-like-like-he was dead. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. This was what the last prophecy line meant. "A friend they love will lay limp by their feet." It was Grant. All because of my reckless driving.
            I felt helpless and guilty, so I sat on the ground next to Grant's battered body and began to weep. Pulling it out of the wreckage, I laid my hands on my eyes and cried in the street. Feeling abysmal, I stayed this way for hours. Nellie was still conked out on the ground, but breathing. I usually wasn't a very emotional person, but then again, this wasn't usual.

            Grant had saved my life on this quest, and now he was dead. I felt awful, and continued to sob. People walked by staring, but I didn't care. I was the reason he had lost his life. My face was soaked with hot tears, and my hair was a tangled, bloody mess. But I didn't care. I had never told him, but someone I considered one of my best friends was dead.
            I sat crying, until I heard the most glorious sound I had ever heard. And that miraculous noise was a breath. What made it so amazing though was who the breath came from. If it had come from me, it would have been normal. But that very exhale escaped the lips of Grant.
            I began to sob again, but with joy. And when his warm brown eyes fluttered open, I cried harder. I threw my arms around him, engulfing him in a hug. I thought I had startled him, but he hugged me right back. He looked up at me, confused, and slowly sat up.
            "Why are you crying?" he asked me, furrowing his brow in a concerned manner.
            "I-I-I thought y-you we-we-were dead!" I stammered, in between sobs.
            That was when I realized that he had laid limp by my feet. That was how it had pertained to the prophecy. He would lie limply, but not die. I smiled.
            "Mood swings?" he asked.
            I laughed. He could lighten the mood at any time. "No, I just realized something about the prophecy. It's good news. But having you alive is better."

            He smiled too, and I spontaneously embraced him again. My head was on his shoulder, and I was still sobbing tears of joy. He didn't flinch. Grant comforted me until Nellie tackled us both, screaming, "Grant!"

            We all hugged each other. "I heard the whole thing, and started to cry too. I was just too lazy to open my eyes." Nellie said.

            I was so glad to have my friends back. Grant surviving was the first good thing that had happened on this quest. Maybe my luck wasn't so rotten after all.
            "Ok. No more driving for Caroline. I will never get in a go kart with you," Grant joked.
            I quickly agreed, and we walked arm in arm like a normal group of best friends to SouthMountainPark. On the way, we ate granola bars and for Grant, ambrosia, to energize ourselves and decided to sleep before facing Helios. It was already night. Grant stated that he was feeling restless, so he took first watch. Nellie was immediately asleep as soon as she laid down. I stayed up with Grant for a little while to pass the time. We were camping in a cave in a mountain.
            "So, what exactly did you do while you thought I was dead?" he asked me.
            I decided to be truthful, so I replied, "I cried for what seemed like hours, with my head in the street, scolding myself for killing you." He smirked at that statement. "Then, I thought about how it was my fault you had died."
            "I would've honestly done the same."
            "And about the prophecy, I thought that the last line, 'A friend they love will lay limp by their feet' pertained to your death. But it was just your unconsciousness. I'm so glad you're not dead."
            He scooted closer. "I'm glad you're not dead too," Grant said, patting my back. "I'm glad you're not dead, too."

            I gave my best friend an involuntary hug. It was an instinctive motion, hugging Grant. I'd done it so many times.

The cave was quite cold, but huddled next to Grant, it was toasty. He radiated warmth that comfortably smothered my body as we sat side by side.

I soon relaxed and closed my eyes, as did Grant.  Rolling away from him as to not kick anyone in my slumber, I nodded off.

I smiled softly to my sleeping self, and dreamed sweetly. But that changed drastically with my vivid nightmare.
            I stood before a woman. She had long dark hair that looked like silk and hazel eyes. She had that aura, that of a goddess, and was tall and lithe. Her long white dress draped itself upon her body on an angle, and fell to her calves. Glimmering sandals were strapped onto the woman's feet that sparkled gold as she walked.
            The woman walked around a cave. I examined the cave, and spotted our object of desire-Apollo's chariot. Hmmm. Helios was definitely not a woman. Who was this thief?
            I couldn't figure out the identity of the woman until I saw the golden apple. Remembering the Trojan War, I recalled that a golden apple had been tossed out by a certain troublemaking goddess. This started the war, after the quarrel with Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite. I couldn't put my finger on the thief's name, but it was on the tip of my tongue. The goddess smirked evilly, and it scared me. More than spiders. She advanced toward me, that malicious smile plastered on her face, and I screamed. But then, my dream quickly faded to black.
            I was still wondering about the identity of the unknown goddess until I woke up screaming the single word that answered my questions.  


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