Eight-I take a car for a test drive

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I take a car for a test drive


I could see that Nellie and Grant were thinking the same thing as me. That we would most certainly die. I mean, Helios is a freaking god! He can pulverize us easily! But then again, I had heard about how Percy and Annabeth had taken down Kronos, with the help of many other demigods. Maybe we could beat the Titan sun god.

            Nellie was a Demeter kid. They were decent fighters, and had control over plants. Grant was a Hades kid. He could summon undead warriors and wield his sword well. And I, of course, was an Athena kid. Battle strategy was in my blood. I realized that when I had defeated the Minotaur, I had instinctively used a well thought out plan. I definitely was a daughter of Athena.

            Anyway, I was sitting in the car, reminiscing our close encounters with death. I was hoping that there would not be another experience of that kind anytime soon. But, with my luck, I was wrong again. Of course. Three half-bloods. One of them of the big three, and you've got trouble. We had already been attacked twice within twenty-four hours, but the worst was yet to come.

            "So when we get to the park, we're gonna battle Helios, get the chariot, and leave. Right?" Grant asked.

            "Well, that's what I plan on doing. But with how things have turned out so far, I don't know that it will happen the way we want it to. I mean, look! We've been attacked two freakin' times already!" I replied.

            We sat in silence for a little while longer, thinking about those scary moments that could've been the end of our lives. But with quick wits and skill, we had survived.

            We were still eight miles from our destination when the creature appeared. It looked like a shriveled bat with yellow eyes and teeth that flew through the air. In one foul swoop, Alecto the Fury dove into the car moon roof. It tried to snatch Nell's aunt away, but I slashed at it and hacked away with Eliadentro. But to no avail, I was unable to make contact with the ugly hag. It moved pretty quickly for a creature that size. The bat like thing darted around the interior, sending the car spinning and crashing into other objects. Nellie's aunt was screaming, "BAT!" I had heard about something called Mist. It's supposed to make mortals see things other than the monsters. Like she thought that my sword was a gun.

            Anyway, Nell's aunt was screeching like a banshee. It hurt my ears a lot, considering that I was two feet away from her. Alecto snatched her up, and took off through the moon roof. I tried to grab at the ugly thing, but I was reaching for air. I was disappointed in myself.

            The Fury flew away with Nell's aunt in its sharp claws. I was frozen in shock by what had happened, wanting to scream. Nellie looked the same way. It was her aunt.

            Nell's aunt's capture left the steering wheel unattended. We had somehow made our way to the side of the road, and Grant and Nellie pushed me into the driver's seat.

            "Drive," Grant commanded.

            "Whoa. Have you seen me drive a go kart? I suck!" I said.

            "Well, you're one of the two of us that can actually reach the pedals, so you'll have to drive. Grant's too scared. Also, you're oldest," Nell replied for him.

            I cursed aloud. I was the oldest and tallest one here on the quest, other than Grant. At five foot six, I could use Nell's head as an armrest. Grant was taller than me, but refused to drive. He'd grown over the past summer, and I was surprised. I was in fact the oldest though, as I was born a month before Grant and three months before Nellie. But I'd still have to drive, even though Grant was tallest.

            I turned the key in the ignition after buckling my seatbelt, and the engine roared to life. Putting the gear on 'D' for Drive, I managed to send the car lurching forward without crashing. Yay me.

            I vigilantly turned the steering wheel, swerving when appropriate. At one point when I was going sixty miles per hour, I almost crashed right into a truck but slammed the brakes on at the right moment. My face had been crimson red after that incident.

            "I feel like we're playing Grand Theft Auto or something," Grant said.

            Yep. It felt just like that. A video game. Thanks for the analogy, Grant.

            As I drove, I thought about the rest of our gifted friends back at camp. I wondered how they were doing, and most importantly-if they were safe. I decided that we would-what do you call it-ah, Iris message them. Annabeth and Maeve had taught me a lot about the world of demigods in my few days at camp. This was the last thing I thought about before all Hades broke loose.

            We were racing down the street at sixty miles per hour. I was doing fine driving until a car turned the corner at the same speed. Unable to swerve, I braced myself for the impact. We hit the car head on, and flipped over. I was sent flying out of the car, onto the sidewalk. Nell did the same. I heard strangled gasps of trepidation in the air, and I hit my head on the ground. The pain was unimaginable. Not sharp stabs, but constantly throbbing.

I turned my head with all the strength I could muster and saw Grant, stuck in the wreckage. Oh no. He was struggling to get free.

That was the last thing I saw before everything went black, with Grant wriggling and yelling in the back of my mind.

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